How to Turn your Millennial Sales Leader’s Talents into Strengths (TedxTalk)

How to Turn your Millennial Sales Leader’s Talents into Strengths (TedxTalk)

One of the millennial reviewers of Millennials Matter said: “We can get a million likes, and still feel empty. We need to hear real affirmations from real people in real time about real gifts and talents.” Why?

“So that we get to know ourselves, how we’re wired, and how we can serve.”

How do you coach your millennial sales leader to identify and use their talents and core competencies to serve others? Wise sales leaders are searching for answers. They want to know how to work with the millennial generation.

Spotlighting talents and core competencies, and aligning them with core passion is one of the strategies I discuss in my recent TEDx Talk.  Watch the video here.

You’ll learn how I use the spotlighting strategy to stop your emerging leader from making a career blunder that could have catastrophic results.

Leadership Lesson: Use your wisdom and insight to transform your millennial sales leader’s talents into strengths that will solve real-world problems.

Leadership Question: What are you doing to help your up-and-coming sales leader identify and use their talents?

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