Confident Leaders Model an Impact Mindset

Confident Leaders Model an Impact Mindset

“Confident leaders model an Impact Mindset.” 
~ Danita Bye


An invitation to give the commencement speech for my alma mater, the University of Sioux Falls, was an incredible honor. It ignited my vision to mobilize experienced leaders, like ourselves, to prioritize the coaching and mentoring of Next Gen sales and entrepreneurial leaders. These twenty-somethings are often accused of having entitlement issues, a me-me focus, and narcissism on steroids. Yet, I have three Millennial children who counter that trend. What I see in them and their friends gives me hope. What do you see as you interact with emerging leaders in your business and family?

In preparing to deliver a high-octane commencement talk, I decide to get in touch with the emerging Millennial world.  After all, my expertise is with business leaders, focusing on sales strategies, systems, and staffing.  Other than my own children and their friends, I have limited experience in inspiring college students to be high impact leaders. (Especially in today’s world, where they are stepping into complicated global turmoil.)
Yes!  The commencement speech rocks – I avoid the yawns that often accompany such speeches.
Then, in true Danita fashion, I check that item off my ToDo list putting my research on hold.
However, a surprising series of events occurs.  First, the University of Sioux Falls invites me to be on their Board of Trustees. I accept. Two weeks later, I’m talking to my slightly A.D.D. son after he attends the Willow Creek Global Leadership Conference. He’s filling me in on what he heard from the various speakers in his upbeat, enthusiastic way. Suddenly, he shifts gears. His voice changes.  He stops talking in circles and makes a beeline to the topic.

“Mom, I have a message for you.” He stops, to ensure he has my undivided attention.
“Mom, you need to prioritize the passing on of your leadership wisdom and insight to the next generation. This is important.”
Then, in true A.D.D. fashion, he exclaims, “Gotta go…got some friends waiting for me! Bye, Mom.”
I’m stunned by the vision and direction coming from… my 23 year old son?
His words nag me in the days and weeks that follow. I can’t let this go.
So, here I am writing about the intersection of Sales & Entrepreneurial Leadership, mentoring and coaching Millennials, and the impact of character, value, and faith on our life’s journey.
Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll explore some of the ideas I shared with those graduating university students. We’ll look at:
~        How to help future leaders sharpen their calling by nurturing an impact mindset;
~        Why living with a high regard for their work is important;
~        Affirming their unique ability to be positive agents of change, and
~        Cultural myths that impact Next Gen leaders in their work.
Here’s a sneak peak of the topics I’ll discuss in upcoming posts:

1.      All of Life is Spiritual
2.      Work is worship
3.      Make an impact Here vs. There
4.      Invest in Now, to impact Then
5.      Know what jazzes you
6.      Never stop learning
In the next post I’ll tell you how I made a remarkable discovery about the insignificance of a job title.
Leadership lesson:  When you model an Impact Mindset, you develop your unique ability to become a positive agent of change regardless of your title or position.
Leadership question: How might you encourage emerging leaders to value their everyday work?
If you struggle to see how you can make a difference and be a positive change agent by doing your job, I invite you to watch this video,  Work as Worship by RightNow Ministries.

Sales excellence is based in Superior SalesDNA. For more info, check out my new book How to Hire Superior SalesDNA!

​​© Copyright Danita Bye, 2016
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