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Leadership Development



How To Fix Disappointing Sales Results Through Restructuring

How to Hire the Right Millennials to Complete Your Sales Team PuzzleLeadership-development-Danita-Bye

How Executives can Inspire a Culture that Motivates Millennial Sales Leaders

How Executives Can Help Millennial Leaders Become Better Collaborators

How To Help Your Millennial Salespeople Focus On Improved Accountability

Three Steps To Turn Disengaged Millennial Leaders Into Top Performers

To Succeed In Business, Build Your Millennial Leader Through Character Development

How To Help Your Millennial Salespeople Focus On Improved Accountability

Two Secrets To Building Resilience In Millennial Leaders To Achieve Sales Results

Is Social Media Impacting The Business Results of Your Millennials?

Two Successful Coaching Strategies For Millennial Sales Leaders

Does Character Really Count For Millennial Sales Leaders?

Five Things Your Millennial Leader Needs from You

Leadership Development

Women In Leadership welcomes featured speaker Danita Bye: Williston Herald

Skip Pritchard Leadership Insights:  Turn Millennials Into Your Biggest Asset

Skip Pritchard Leadership Insights: 5 Tips to Coaching Millennials

Leadership Now: How to Be an Engaging Leader in a World of Robotics, AI, and Digitization

Leadership Now: 3 Strategies to Prepare Your Millennials for Their Leadership Roles

The Leadership Blog: Millennials Matter: Review (Coach John G. Agno)

Leadership Excellence: From Worry to Winning: Prioritize Millennial Leadership Development

Eagles Online: Tips for Building Millennials into Next-Gen Leaders (Martin Zwilling)

Huffington Post: How To Mentor Millennials Into Business Leadership

CEO World Magazine: Three New Year’s Resolutions to Strengthen Your Millennial Leader This Year

Business Management Daily: The Millennial Conundrum

Michael Gregory Consulting LLC: How can Older Generations Partner with New Entrants to the Workforce (Michael Gregory)

Upsize Magazine: How to Make Small Mighty in Three Steps

Upsize Magazine: How to Foster “SISU”, and more Management Tips

HR Magazine: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Grooming Millennials

The HearingReview: Business Management: Let Your Team Have It…Their Way!

The HearingReview: Coaching for Entrepreneurs

The HearingReview: Creating a Team Culture of Personal Accountability

Greater ND Chamber:  Character Counts when Attracting and Retaining a Millennial Workforce. Leadership-development-Danita-Bye

Broadstreet Publishing: Danita Bye: A BroadStreet Publishing Author

Society for Human Resource Management: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Grooming Millennials

Smart Brief on Leadership: Leadership-Ready Millennials can Debunk Stereotypes From Worry To Winning: Prioritize Millennial Leadership Development

American Express: What’s your New Year’s Business Resolution?

Training Industry: Managing Millennials: Less Complaining, More Coaching

NetGalley Reviews: NetGalley Book Reviews

Williston Herald: Brodsky and Bye at Business Conference


TEDx Bismarck: Millennial Leadership: Stop Complaining, Start Coaching

Economic Times India Sales Summit: Virtual Keynote delivered by Danita Bye

Fireside Chat Series: How to Lead, Develop and Retain Millennials (Interview with Steve Rosen)

TEDx Bismarck 2018: TEDxBismarck Draws Curious Minds

Lead Like Jesus: Millennials Matter part 1 (Interview with Karin Conlee)

Lead Like Jesus: Millennials Matter part 2 (Interview with Karin Conlee)

How to Manage Millennials and Improve Their Listening Skillsmillennials-matter-danita-bye

How to use these 5 Questions to Achieve Breakthrough Sales Growth Results

Leadership Development – Are You a Listening Leader Building Trust in Your Team?


Afila Group: The Misadventures in Organizational Alignment (Interview with Erik Beckler)

Afila Group: Building a Team Connected to the Mission and Vision of the Organization (Interview with Erik Beckler)

Lead Like Jesus Podcast: Harness the Energy of Millennials (Karin Conlee)

Lead Like Jesus Podcast: 5 Steps to Leading Millennials (Karin Conlee)

Eternal Leadership: Proven Strategies for Building Your Next-Gen Leader (John Ramstead)

Integrate and Ignite Podcast: Practice Authentic Listening

Women at the Top Network: Millennials Matter Podcast (Regina Barr)


Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio: Break Your Staffing Crisis – Leverage Millennials! (Lori Richardson)

Yes FM Radio: Listen to Danita on this fun interview on YES FM Radio’s Wake Up Call Morning Show

Marnie’s Friends – Millennials Matter: How To Mentor Your Next-Gen Leaders (Marnie Zwedberg)

Sales Leadership Development, Sales Strategy & Sales Growth


Minneapolis Star Tribune: Consultant has Sales Down to a Science (Dick Youngblood)

AA-ISP: Millennial Sales Compensation – 15 Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Sales Compensation Plan

AA-ISP: Millennial Sales Coaching – 15 Tips to Build the Sales Capacity of Your Next-Gen Salesperson

AA-ISP: Millennial Sales Motivation eBook – 3 Steps to Help your Next-Gen Salesperson get Motivated

AA-ISP: Millennial Sales Accountability – 3 Steps to Help Your Next-Gen Salesperson Start Getting Traction

AA-ISP: Millennial Sales Hiring (& BDR) – 17 Recruiting Tips to Give Your Business the Competitive Advantage

Jeb Blount Newsletter: 3 Keys to Motivating Millennials Beyond Compensation

Sales Gravy: Motivate your Millennial Sales leaders (Jeb Blount)

Sales Gravy: Sales Teams are Only as Good as Their Sales Management (Jeb Blount)

Sales Gravy: Inspire Your Millennial Salespeople to Sell With Passion (Jeb Blount)

Sales Gravy: 4 Ways To Build Company Value By Being Considerate (Jeb Blount)

Sales Gravy: Teach your Sales Team to Move Up the Value Ladder (Jeb Blount)

Sales Gravy: 3 Tips for Motivating Millennial Salespeople Beyond Compensation (Jeb Blount)

Sales Gravy:  6 Steps to Motivate Your Millennial Sales Professionals (Jeb Blount)Leadership-development-Danita-Bye

Sales Gravy: Millennials Matter Book Review (Jeb Blount)

Talencio Serious Talent: Leverage the Biggest Wave (Paula Norbom)

People First Productivity Solutions:  Stop Complaining About Millennial Sellers on Your Sales Team & Start Leading! (Deb Calvert)

Sales Gravy: Millennials Matter Book Review (Jeb Blount)

STAR Results: Millennials Matter Book Review (Steven Rosen)

Unbound Growth: Millennials Matter Book Review (Carole Mahoney)

People First Productivity Solutions: Millennials Matter Book Review (Deb Calvert)

Sales Development Expert: Interview with (Rocky LaGrone)

Bismarck Tribune: Stanley Business Consultant Appointed to State Board of Higher Education

Muck Rack – A Resource for Journalists and PR Pros: (Articles by Danita Bye)

Leadership Now: 3 Strategies to Prepare Your Millennials for Their Leadership Roles

The Hearing Review: Creating a Team Culture of Personal Accountability

Advantages Magazine: How to Sell to the Savvy Prospect

Executive Boutique: 23 Tried and Tested Selling Tips From Accomplished Sales Experts

Eyes on Sales: Tips to Profitably Restructure Your Sales Team

Eyes on Sales: Sales Management Process: How to Improve Your Sales Team’s Effectiveness in a “Reset” Economy

Eyes on Sales: Qualities of a Sales Manager: Emotional Intelligence and Leadership – Part 1

Advantages Magazine: How to Sell to the Savvy Prospect

Executive Boutique: 23 Tried and Tested Selling Tips From Accomplished Sales Experts


Unbound Growth: The Importance of Mentorship (Carole Mahoney)


Millennial Leadership: Stop Complaining, Start Coaching

Sales Strategy Summit India

5 Bold Business Predictions for a New WorldLeadership-development-Danita-Bye

How to use these 5 Questions to Achieve Breakthrough Sales Growth Results

Motivate Your Millennial Salespeople To Set Goals They Want To Achieve

Top Tips for Successful Millennial Sales Hiring


BrightTALK: How Sales Leaders can Manage and Motivate Their Millennial Salespeople – Webinar

Afila Group: Sales Strategy to Align Salespeople to Organizational Mission and Vision (Interview with Erik Beckler)

Afila Group: How to Increase Sales in the New Year (Interview with Erik Beckler)


Spiritual Leadership Development


Charisma Leader: Lead in a Digitized Era

You can also read the article in the magazine on page 26:  Charisma Leader

Muck Rack – A Resource for Journalists and PR Pros: (Articles by Danita Bye)

Charisma Magazine: Building Jesus-Focused Confidence in Your Young Adult Child

Charisma Magazine: Leadership Expert: How to Mentor Millennials With Success

Five Capitals: Is Your Team Jazzed 24/7? (Brandon Schaefer)

National Christian Foundation:  Dear Millennials, we need you now more that ever

Charisma Magazine: 3 Ways to Equip the Millennial You Lead to Guard Their Heart

The Christian Post:  Five Millennial mindsets to strengthen in turbulent times

The Christian Post: Prepare your Millennial and Gen Z Leader for the Digitized Decade

The Christian Post: All Articles by Danita Bye

Eternal Leadership: Proven Strategies for Building Your Next-Gen Leader (John Ramstead)

Purpose Stories: Danita Bye – Advocating for Millennials (Helene T. Stelian)

Charisma: Lead with Millennials in Mind

National Christian Foundation Giving: Mentoring Young Women from the Collaboration Generation

National Christian Foundation: How Christian Leaders can Embrace Millennial Women and Prepare them for Future Roles

Urban Christian News: Parenting — Help! My Millennial Needs Help to Build Real Confidence

Urban Christian News: How Today’s Christian Leaders Can Build Up Millennials to Take the Lead

Crosswalk: How to Help Your Millennial Develop Character in an Ethics-Starved World

The Christian Post: Parenting — How to Help Your Millennial Develop Character in an Ethics-Starved World

Ministry Today: How to Mentor Millennials in an Ethics-Starved WorldLeadership-development-Danita-Bye

Charisma Magazine: How to Cultivate Your Millennial’s Godly Character in an Ethics-Starved World

Center for Christianity in Business: Building Next-Gen Leaders: Turn Negative Millennial Stereotypes into Business Benefits

You Version Bible: Millennials Matter: Go and Make Discipling Leaders – a Seven Day Devotional

Charisma Magazine:  Millennials Need You—Why Jesus Is Calling You to Pass the Baton

Crosswalk: Why You Need to Stop Writing Off the Millennial Generation

Black Christian News:  How Today’s Christian Leaders Can Build Up Millennials to Take the Lead

The Christian Post:  Five Millennial mindsets to strengthen in turbulent times

The Christian Post: Millennials and the Church, Part 1: Should We Write Them Off and Wait for the Next Generation?

The Christian Post: Millennials and the Church, Part 2: What Is Your Role in Passing the Baton?


iWork4Him Podcast: From Pews to Politics (Interview with Jim and Martha Brangenberg)

Charisma Podcast Network: Social Distancing and Watching a lot of Netflix is not good enough for Millennials (Interview with Dave Donaldson)

iWork4Him Podcast: Bonus Interview With sW4H and iR4H Contributing Author Danita Bye (Jim and Martha Brangenberg)

Lead Like Jesus – Millennials Matter part 1 (Interview with Karin Conlee)

Lead Like Jesus – Millennials Matter part 2 (Interview with Karin Conlee)

Lead Like Jesus Podcast: Harness the Energy of Millennials (Karin Conlee)

Lead Like Jesus Podcast: 5 Steps to Leading Millennials (Karin Conlee)

Lead Like Jesus: Becoming an Effective Mentor and Coach (Karin Conlee)

Lead Like Jesus: Why Leaders MUST Prioritize the Next Generation

Community of Hope: How to Live Life to the Fullest (Joint presentation and interaction with Brandon Schaefer)

Ambassadors for Business – Thrive! Podcast: Building Relational Capital (with Brandon Schaefer)

Ambassadors for Business: Thrive! Podcast: Millennials Matter with guest Danita Bye (Bob Willbanks)

CitySites Urban Media:  Leadership and Millennials (Larry Kutzler)Leadership-development-Danita-Bye

Bold Idea Podcast: Danita Bye on Why Millennials Matter

iWork4Him Podcast: Millennials Matter (Jim and Martha Brangenberg)

Five Capitals: 3 Strategies to Improve Two-Way Mentoring (Brandon Schaefer)

Center for Christianity in Business: Proven Strategies for Discipling Next-Gen Business Leaders. (Darren Shearer)

Lead Like Jesus Online: Register Here for Boomers, Millennials & Overcoming the Generational Gap 4-Part Video Study

IWork4Him: Feedback vs Feed-Forward (Jim & Martha Brangenberg)

iHeartRadio: Millennials Matter: All Episodes


KTIS (Faith Radio): Work with Purpose – David Stark interviews Danita Bye


The Christian Post: Millennials and the Church, Part 3: Are They Really as Confident as They Appear?


iRetire4Him: I contributed Chapter 14, Millennials Matter

sheWorks4Him: I contributed Chapter 4, Identity: Why I Burned It

CityServe: I contributed Chapter 33, Millennials Making a Difference