Spark Leadership Development and Growth

Maximize Leadership Performance
Enhance Leadership Skills
Manage Millennials for Growth

Is your leadership team struggling to implement your strategy?

  • Blame-game, a lack of accountability, and excuse-making are spreading like a virus.
  • Competition is getting the business that should be yours.
  • A lack of clarity and alignment to strategies and key goals causes managers to be unproductive.

Did these leadership development “fixes” only result in wasted money?

  • Upgraded the team and still not getting the results you need.
  • Enrolled high potential Next Gen Leader in a peer-to-peer roundtable…with no tangible results.
  • Conducted a costly 2-day, off-site, strategic leadership development retreat.

How do you expand your leadership influence?

If you’re like most CEOs, presidents, and business owners, you have major strategy concerns, including how to deal successfully with ongoing economic and market disruption.

To expand your leadership influence you need to build a high-performance leadership team. They must be able to grow, even in the midst of disruption.  They have to know how to push the boundaries that unlock breakthrough results for your business. To achieve this you’ll want to:

  • Build success mindsets and leadership capacity.
  • Raise performance expectations.
  • Attract and retain Next Gen Leaders who make a positive difference.
  • Convert strategic plans into next-step action to capture untapped potential.
  • Add focus and direction, so they gain momentum.

Our Leadership Development Program aligns with your strategy

Our program aligns with both your growth strategy work as well as your desire to know how to manage millennials:

  • Proven Execution Process: Convert your strategic plan into a next-step action plan where everyone is held accountable.
  • Leadership DNA: Implement Motivating, Accountability, and Coaching systems, processes, and tools to harness the skills of every Next Gen Leader on your team.
  • Effective Right-Sizing Strategies: Get the right people on the right bus in the right seat so they can deal successfully in all market conditions.

Ready to schedule a Phone Call?

5 Success Mindsets to Create Breakthrough Results

We are reeling from the ongoing effects of a global health crisis, political upheaval, and cultural challenges. Leaders need a new way of thinking to thrive in the midst of this chaos and disruption. Discover how one question will spark the mindsets that create the results you want.

Danita’s leadership development strategies build high-performance leaders that deliver results in the midst of market and economic disruption.

36% Improved close rates (from 32% to 68%)

30% faster time to benchmark performance for new hires

42% reduction in length of sales cycle

37% growth in margins

Ready to schedule a Phone Call?

We absolutely could not have fixed our sales issues ourselves. And in hindsight, we needed the ‘backbone’ that Danita provided to actually help us implement our new sales management processes and transform our sales culture into a disciplined organization.

- CEO, Meyers