What Leading Millennials would ask Trump
But, I’m breaking the rules…doubly! First, I’m not focusing on my Core Content Message today. Next, I’m going to talk about a taboo topic, politics.
- What do you want to hear Trump say?
- What can Trump do to make America great again?
Because of my focus on mentoring and leading Millennials, I prepare for the inteview by asking a representative group of Millennials how they would answer Scott’s questions if they were being interviewed.
Their answers are important to consider during these historic times.
As you read their responses, you’ll see that I work with a unique group of high-potential Millennials. Here are some of their responses:
Brittany – Along the lines of Economic rebuilding: I think it would be nice if the USA became a more desirable place for businesses to stay vs moving headquarters / outsourcing outside the US. Which will then create more jobs and an overall more stable economy.
Brady – The Infrastructure and dealing with the division in the country were well received in his acceptance speech. More of that as well as overall economic rebuilding details would be good.
Danae – Focusing on global relations and on the diversity of the country and how he sees that divide being broken down.
Kendra – I want him to unite our country. Call on those who are not attending. The election is over and it’s time to come together to work for our country, and the people who elected them. Put politics aside and work for the people again, not your party. I think I would only add that I am personally tired of political parties always pitting against each other rather than working together for us.
Sam – In what way will his policies reflect the core conservative principle of empowering ALL individuals (women, minorities, legal immigrants, the poor, etc.) to achieve the American Dream? And, thank you for asking and giving Millennials a voice, Danita.
Allison – I’d like to hear him sound presidential and not make a bunch of demeaning comments. I’m hoping he can represent our country well and stop all of the derogatory and divisive comments.
Cooper – I want to hear humility and honesty and a focus on stable growth.
Max – The first thing that comes to mind? I don’t want to hear him at all…
The varied responses are interesting to note. As a trustee of a number of Universities’ boards, we’ve seen the the two-humped camel phenomenon.
When we interact with students in the “first hump, “ we’re amazed by their strength of character, their talent. We are filled with hope for the future of our nation, and our world. Then, there’s the “second hump” where we are filled with despair!
So what do we, as business leaders, sales leaders and executives do to address this huge concern?
Ultimately, regardless of which hump we deal with in our daily lives, at home and at work – we need to continue to proactively mentor and coach these young leaders. It’s a win – win. We develop them as leaders. Plus, we build value in our business.
I’d love to hear from you. What steps are you taking to proactively mentor this Next Generation? Please leave your thoughts in the Comments block and we can take this discussion further.
© Copyright Danita Bye, 2017
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