Author: Danita

My phone rings. It’s Sarah.  I sensed that she’s very upset.  She desperately wanted the promotion, but she failed the interview.  She’s convinced that this means the end of the line for her at her current job.  Now she’s asking my help to update her resume. So, we set up a coffee time. At my recent TedX Talk, I shared Sarah’s story to inspire the audience to take the time to help Millennial Leaders discover their Life’s Core Purpose. What are you doing to get your Millennial sales leader aligned with how they are wired for success?

By the time you read this article, my husband, Gordon, and I will be far away from North Dakota. First, we’ll be visiting family and friends, and then…traveling to Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont to see the breathtaking colors of fall. And all of this will be happening with me at the back of Gordon’s Honda Goldwing. Why are we willing to take on the added risk and (sometimes) discomfort of traveling on a motorcycle?

My husband, Gordon, and I, love to go on long motorcycle trips.  Right now we are on the road again to witness the gorgeous explosion of red, orange, and yellow on the maple trees of Vermont.  Yes, we are ‘leaf peepers’, as some of the locals call us! I’m the passenger and Gordon is the driver. I’m always worried that it might be too stressful for him to do these long distances. He just laughs and says, ‘This is the good kind of stress!’  But there’s a different kind of “bad” stress that’s affecting the sales performance of our up-and-coming sales leaders. What are you doing to help your Millennial Sales Leaders to beat workplace burnout?

My August 2018 Newsletter is packed with insights for Business and Sales Leaders who need help to get their Millennial salespeople on track to grow their businesses. If you do not receive the monthly newsletter and would like to do so, please complete the details HERE and you will receive your copy in your inbox. I am highlighting some of the articles here that generated the most discussion. However, there are more tools and tips available in the full August Newsletter you can access HERE. Here’s a question for you that is discussed in the Forbes article: “If Millennials are the teamwork experts, why is there a Collaboration collapse in the workplace?”

Are your Millennial salespeople accelerating the growth of your busi­ness? In writing Millennials Matter: Proven Strategies for Building Your Next-Gen Leader, I’ve talked to scores of business owners and sales leaders. Many of these leaders are panicking about how to hire and retain great Millennial sales talent and get them up to speed quickly. Not only do they see a knowledge gap, they are concerned about the selling capacity of their up-and-coming leaders. How might you know whether or not your hiring strategies are filling your sales team with just nice people? Or, if you're hiring Millennial salespeople who have the capacity to grow your business? Join me for this webinar.