Author: Danita

Energizing and equipping CEO’s to stop complaining, and to start coaching Millennials, is my motivation for being on the Forbes Coaches Council. In case you've missed articles, here are some top tips to strengthen and improve your sales results. Where are you seeing that your Millennial leader needs help to improve sales results and sales performance?

My July 2018 Newsletter is packed with insights for Business and Sales Leaders who needs help to get their Millennial salespeople on track to grow their businesses. If you do not receive the monthly newsletter and would like to do so, please complete the details HERE and you will receive your monthly newsletter in your inbox. What is your greatest challenge in your endeavors to coach and mentor your Millennials in the workplace?

Brandon Schaefer, founder and CEO of Five Capitals Coaching and Consulting, and I, co-hosted an introduction to our upcoming webinar series on Millennial leadership on June 15th. Get full details here. Business owners, presidents of startups to non-profits, as well as parents &grandparents all have a common goal. We are looking for insights on how to build a strong leadership culture where Next Gen leaders thrive. They are our future - we recognize that we need to stop complaining about them & start coaching, mentoring and discipling them. If you were unable to join us for this free webinar, here’s a link to  YOUTUBE where you can watch the video. Plus, here’s a summary of some of the areas we outlined.

Kicking off the Millennial's Matter Movement has been rewarding! Thanks for everyone's help - endorsers, Amazon reviewers, LinkedIn and Facebook supporters. It's been a whirlwind of coast-to-coast speaking engagements, functions, radio interviews, and podcasts. Strategizing with leaders from all walks of life, from presidents to pastors to parents, has strengthened and confirmed my passion for energizing and equipping an army of character-based leaders committed to building Next Gen leaders. It's good work for business growth, sales results and leadership at all levels. Here's a sampling of some of the places I’ve been and people I’ve met on this incredible journey.

“No problem, I’ll just ask Siri!” On October 19, 2017, Daniel Brea uploaded “A Millennial Job Interview” on Vimeo. During the 3 minute tongue-in-cheek portrayal of Millennial stereotypes, you will see how young Amy handles (bungles) her job interview.  Constantly texting, barely making eye contact with the interviewer, she demands flexible work hours. When the interviewer suggests that she might not have the necessary skills for the job, Amy shrugs her shoulders and says, “No problem, I’ll just ask Siri!” When told that she is probably not a fit, she indignantly demands to speak to HR. She wants to lay a complaint even though she hasn’t been hired! How do you feel about the millennial stereotypes we hear and read about every day? Do you see them in your business?