A Leadership Strategy: Harness the Power of a Question (Bob Tiede)
Asking questions has always been one of my go-to leadership strategies. I was reminded of this truth most delightfully during a recent weekend with my family. My husband, Gordon, and I met up with our oldest daughter and her family in Fargo.
Our 10-year-old grandson is participating in a hockey tournament. One morning, I had a coaching call scheduled. My eight-year-old grandson, Harvey, is hanging out with me in the hotel room. I needed a way to keep him engaged for an hour, so we devised a plan.
Harvey builds a fort out of sheets and pillows on the bed. He curls up inside to watch Superbook. I promise him that, after the movie, we’d talk about it. He can ask all the questions he wants. He picks the story of Moses.
Once my call ends, he has questions—lots of them! Some I can answer. Others? Not so much! Each answer sparks another question.
Before long, Harvey pauses, looks at me, and says, “Gramma, it seems like questions could go on forever! One answer leads to more questions! This is fun!”Then he adds with a grin, “I wish school was this fun!”
That moment sticks with me. This is the reason I’m such a fan of asking the right questions. In Millennials Matter, I mention the word “question(s) or questioning” 122 times!
Here are some ideas from Millennials Matter: Proven Strategies for Building Your Next-Gen Leader on the power of questions:
“Action-oriented or excuse-busting questions nurture the personal responsibility needed for high performance in any role at work or home.” (Chapter 20, Use the Catalytic Question, Page 154)
“The Millennials I mentor approach respect as a two-way street. They tell me that by my respecting them, listening intently to what they say, and asking thoughtful questions, I’m guaranteed of their respect.”
(Chapter 23, Respect Every Person You Meet, Page 178)
Curiosity fuels growth, learning, and connection. The right question, asked at the right time, unlocks new perspectives, sparks deeper understanding, and even transforms the way we lead.
That’s why I was thrilled to receive my friend and colleague Bob Tiede’s “Leading with Questions” newsletter. Bob is an expert at teaching leaders how to ask better questions. In this newsletter, he shares some great ones that I now keep handy.
I hope you’ll find as much inspiration for your leadership strategies as I have.
Enjoy the newsletter!
Not Sure What to Ask? Here Are 9 Go-To Questions for Any Situation
Have you ever found yourself struggling to find the right question—whether it’s to get to know someone, keep a conversation flowing, or navigate a difficult situation?
I’ve been there. That’s why I keep a list of go-to questions handy—ones I can rely on in any situation. They ease the pressure, open the door to learning, and spark meaningful conversations.
Here are 9 questions I use regularly and the benefit of each:
• What do you think? (Opens up perspectives)
• Can you tell me more? (Encourages deeper insight)
• What did you learn from that experience? (Promotes reflection)
• What would you do differently next time? (Invites growth)
• How can I help? (Fosters support and collaboration)
• What might be the solution? (Shifts focus to problem-solving)
• X to Y by when? (Clarifies goals and accountability)
• Can you tell me your story? (Builds connection)
• Why do you do what you do? (Uncovers motivation and purpose)
If you’re wondering, How do I come up with great questions myself?—that’s a great question! The good news? You don’t have to invent them from scratch. You can collect them!
Here’s how:
- Listen for them—when someone asks a great question, take note.
- Read for them—books, interviews, and articles are full of them.
- Observe reactions—If someone responds with “Now, that’s a great question!”—write it down!
- The best questions are often simple yet profound. They’re a powerful tool for discovery, connection, and leadership.
What great questions do you have? I’d love to add them to my collection!
The Power of Asking the Right Questions
That moment in the hotel room with my grandson asking me one question after the other was precious! It reminds me why I love asking questions so much. They don’t just lead to answers—they lead to discovery. I’ve seen firsthand how great questions open doors to understanding, connection, and growth.
What is your favorite question to ask the Next-Gen’s you lead?
Your leadership matters. Now, more than ever.
Copyright, Danita Bye (This article is NOT AI-generated) 😊
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