Leading in the Age of AI Interview – Dakota Mornings and Chancellor Hagerott (ChatGPT Quotes also)

Leading in the Age of AI Interview – Dakota Mornings and Chancellor Hagerott (ChatGPT Quotes also)

Here are leadership development quotes from the Dakota Mornings transcript from ChatGPT. You can read the transcript HERE. These quotes, chosen by ChatGPT, spotlight the leadership challenge of staying human amidst rapid change in the Age of AI. These comments focus on leadership, courage, character, and connection. Thanks to Michael Bell, host of Dakota Mornings; Chancellor Mark Hagerott, North Dakota University System, and Karel Sovak, Dean, Gary Tharaldson School of Business at University of Mary.

Leadership Challenges in the Age of AI:

  1. Mark: “Will AI be additive to the flourishing of our youth or extractive? And I’m very alert to this. We have a public trust of billions of dollars in the university system, but a sacred trust that they’re giving us thousands of young people.”
    • This highlights the leadership challenge of ensuring AI serves to uplift rather than exploit.
  2. Karel: “How do we become human? How do we make sure humanity remains embedded? Because it’s the old adage of garbage in, garbage out.”
    • A critical reminder that leadership involves embedding human values in how AI is developed and used.
  3. Mark: “This is the most important event in the history of this planet… And that should excite people because we’re here now when this happens. But it puts a huge responsibility on our leaders and the voters to think about this time.”
    • Recognize the magnitude of the challenge and the necessity of visionary leadership.

Courage and Leadership:

  1. Danita: “My 36-year-old son-in-law… said his greatest fear is that this technology is going to radically change jobs and that we need to let people know your jobs are no longer going to be there. And whatever jobs those are… we have a responsibility to let them know so that there can be retraining, and they can refocus.”
    • Demonstrates the courage to confront difficult truths and take proactive steps.
  2. Mark: “We want to avoid the worst of these events because we had industrialization. People in the coal mines in England had their lungs damaged, right? Children worked in the mills until we had laws against child labor. So now we have a challenge.”
    • Draws historical parallels, urging leaders to act courageously to avoid repeating past harms.
  3. Michael: “There is a downside to this, and it needs to be acknowledged and then worked with.”
    • It is a simple but powerful acknowledgment of the courage needed to face AI’s risks head-on.

Character in Leadership:

  1. Karel Sovak- Dean, Gary Tharaldson School of Business at University of Mary, ND

    Karel: “We want to make sure that people are understanding the things that they put in… You must be very ethically conscious when you’re putting that information in.”

    • A call for character and ethics in every interaction with AI.
  2. Mark: “North Dakota has a history of being alert to our things, helping our businesses, helping our students, our people. Is it fair, or is it not?”
    • Reinforces the importance of fairness and integrity in leadership decisions.
  3. Mark: “These approaches are well-documented in history… helping our students, helping our businesses. Is it fair, or is it not?”
    • Emphasizes that leadership rooted in justice and fairness is critical in the age of AI.

Connection and Community in Leadership:

  1. Karel: “Businesses are going to have an expectation that our students come out fully prepared… And so, to me, it’s a relevant tool.”
    • Highlights the need for education and business to work together to prepare the next generation.
  2. Mark: “What does North Dakota have? We have a blessing of enormous energy resources… North Dakota really should have a strategy of value-added energy.”
    • Suggests leveraging community strengths to drive positive outcomes, fostering unity.
  3. Danita: “It’s always about mentoring and coaching and developing leaders.”
    • A timeless reminder of leadership’s role in cultivating others.
  4. Mark: “Will AI be additive to the flourishing of our youth or extractive?”
    • A poignant question about leadership’s responsibility to prioritize humanity over exploitation.
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