The Test of a Generation – How are you Stewarding your Millennial Leader?

The Test of a Generation – How are you Stewarding your Millennial Leader?

Jim Brangenberg recently interviewed me to learn more about my leadership guidebook, Millennials Matter.  One of the questions he asked me was, “Danita, what is it that you want the world to know?

My response?

“I want the world to know that this task, mentoring the next generation of leaders, is a test of our generation.”

Are you seeing Millennial leaders step up to take up leadership roles in our business, church, community and non-profit organizations?

This blog featured in my August 2018 Newsletter.

If your answer is “No,” I have another question…

How are you fulfilling your stewardship role in mentoring and coaching Millennials so that that you can pass the leadership torch to them?

In Millennials Matter, I talk about the massive stewardship responsibility that experienced leaders have.  Yes, we are a steward for our businesses and our enterprises. And, we are also called to steward the emerging leaders that God has strategically placed in our midst.

Alan Smith, Area Executive Director for CBMC Northland says it this way, “They why is never-changing. Leadership is fluid. Just about the time leaders are in that sweet spot where wisdom meets humble confidence, it’s time to begin passing the torch. Effectively making this transition has long-term ramifications.” 

The following scriptures remind me of the importance that King David placed on passing the faith and leadership baton – of his commitment to the maxim that “leaders build leaders.”

In the margin of my Bible for each of these scriptures, I’ve written this note to myself, “The test of a generation.”

 Ps 71:18 (NIV)

18 Even when I am old and gray,
do not forsake me, my God,
till I declare your power to the next generation,
your mighty acts to all who are to come.

 Psalm 89 (NIV)

I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever;
with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.

 Ps 78: 5-7 (The Message)

“…then commanded our parents
to teach it to their children
So the next generation would know,
    and all the generations to come—…”

Ps 145. 4 (ESV)

One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.

When you think of the Millennials in your sphere of influence, what do you see?  An up-and-coming leader who gives you great hope for the future?  Or, a Millennial struggling to find their way in our fast-paced, sometimes chaotic world?

Either way, you have a stewardship responsibility to prepare them to meet the challenges of the future and successfully pass the leadership baton. This is indeed the test of our generation and the test of our leadership. 

Leadership Lesson: Our responsibility, our stewardship role, is to the generation in front of us right now – the Millennials.

Leadership Question: What are the challenges you are experiencing in fulfilling your stewardship role?

© Copyright 2018 Danita Bye



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