Under Stress, Purpose Suffers … Especially for Millennials

Under Stress, Purpose Suffers … Especially for Millennials


Dantotsu. Have you heard this word before? It’s a Japanese word that means “best of the best.” The concept of benchmarking is based on this principle. It is easy to see how best-of-the-best thinking applies to manufacturing and production. But, how might it apply to sales, sales management, and leadership on a consistent basis? And, how might it apply to your work in mentoring and leading the Millennials in your sphere of influence?

Jeff at Life’s Core Purpose has answered that question. He advocates that we are at our best when we are living and working at the intersection of two core concepts. Firstly, that we operate within our natural gifts and strengths  –  that which we do well without even thinking. Secondly, that we focus on that which we care passionately about.I have family, friends, clients and colleagues who are re-energized after working through Jeff’s proven process. I trust you find these insights from our guest blogger to be useful for you.

Oftentimes I meet with people who have discovered their two words and had the joy of discovery, but something happened in their life and derailed them and they simply “lost” what they had discovered.

When you and I are under stress the use of our Life’s Core Purpose™ suffers.  It’s paradoxical, but using your LCP is the key to preventing this stress in the first place. In our Coaching, we stress the process of “personal integration” of the two words that comprise your Life’s Core Purpose ™. Once you and I develop the “marriage” of the head and the heart, once these two powerful elements of life become one unified principle, life becomes less stressful.  But stuff still happens.  And when something negative happens Purpose can suffer.  Here’s what can happen .when you suffer or are attacked:

Core Passion – Since it is an internal concern for the external world when something disruptive happens to you, your first concern is yourself.  Self-preservation is a  natural response to a stressor.  So our attention changes and we focus on ourselves.  This can derail Life’s Core Purpose if the period of stress is extended. This is where friends, coaches, pastors, family come it to help you get “BACK ON TRACK”. The achievement of PASSION is the source of JOY for your life, so recognizing you need help and getting help will restore your JOY.

Core Competence – If you employ your core competence directly to the situation that is causing you stress, you can help to mitigate it and move through.  But sometimes Core Competence is challenged by adversity. I see this, for example with people whose Competence Category is Analysis – Under stress, the ability to analyze can become a black hole that leads to depression. (This is also why we say that Passion should govern the use of Competence because it keeps your Core Competence focused on something positive.)


So the KEY here is to personally integrate your two words so they become a single unifying principle that drives your life. THAT is the key. Many people benefit greatly from a qualified COACH to achieve this. And we highly recommend that. 

Blog By Jeff Pelletier 

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