Leadership Development and a Courageous Character Core

Leadership Development and a Courageous Character Core


“Cultivate a Courageous Core, a center of virtuous strength that provides a firm footing for positive influence.”​
~ Danita Bye


​As a student, mother, wife, business leader, sales consultant, and motivational speaker, I’m fortunate to meet and work with people who epitomize Dakota Leadership. When I was in my twenties, there were some key people who invested in my personal and leadership development.

I am indebted to my parents, Fred and Joyce Evans from TTT Ranch; my youth group leader at church, Judd; my piano teacher, Dorothy; my instructors at the University of Sioux Falls; and my first manager at Xerox Corporation, Bob Klein.Who are the people that mentored you when you were young?

One of the most important lessons I learned from my mentors was to focus on inward integrity and well-being vs. outward image. These were the years where I was able to build a solid and courageous character core. It is one of the most important characteristics of a strong leader, and I believe helping others understand this is vital.When I’m healthy, on the inside as well as the outside, I’m able to serve others in a productive and healthy way. At the heart of The Dakota Way is a call for all leaders to pay attention to the nurturing of a solid character, one that withstands the challenges of chaotic circumstances and rapid change.

One’s character radiates from one’s core and impacts all other relationships as well as leadership roles and responsibilities. And this ultimately impacts a business leader’s ability to achieve long-term, sustainable results. This principle was the foundational basis of my graduate research in Transformational Leadership at Bethel University.

​​Here are some of the qualities I recognize in the inspired leaders who helped shaped my life:

  • They acknowledged and apologized for mistakes
  • They kept promises and commitments
  • They acted with integrity in all situations and environments
  • They never pressured others to compromise personal ethics or values
  • They remained calm and resourceful in stressful situations

Dakota Leadership question: What are you doing to inspire emerging leaders to stay healthy, both the inside and the outside?

Dakota Leadership lesson: Intentionally nurturing a courageous character core provides a firm foundation for being a positive change agent.

© Copyright Danita Bye, 2016

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