Connection Tag

Here are leadership development quotes from the Dakota Mornings transcript from ChatGPT. You can read the transcript HERE. These quotes, chosen by ChatGPT, spotlight the leadership challenge of staying human amidst rapid change in the Age of AI. These comments focus on leadership, courage, character, and connection. Thanks to Michael Bell, host of Dakota Mornings; Chancellor Mark Hagerott, North Dakota University System, and Karel Sovak, Dean, Gary Tharaldson School of Business at University of Mary.

Our first stop on our recent trip around the world (24 time zones in 23 days), was with our daughter, Danae, who's co-director of STEMM, a medical/educational mission in the foothills of Kilimanjaro.   While there, I trained local educational leaders on principles from my eBook,  5 Success Mindsets to Create Breakthrough Results. Gordon was grateful to see that I only packed an eBook and did NOT bring an extra bag to tow leadership development books!