How to Stop Worrying and Start Living Tag

My parents, Fred and Joyce, are Dale Carnegie fans. In 1981, while I was still at the University of Sioux Falls, I received a leadership development gift from them - How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. Evidently, they knew that as I finished university and launched into the next stage of life I would benefit from reading this book. :-)  Well, that’s an understatement! I could hardly put the book down. I underlined and made notes as I devoured each page. Since reading the book for the first time – about 30 years ago – I've also been a Dale Carnegie fan. Have you read it yet? Is it in your library? If yes, it may be time to dust it off and reread - it's filled with much-needed strategies for these disruptive times. If not, I invite you to consider reading it this season.