leadership Influence Tag

As a young salesperson, I learned a critical leadership development lesson from one of my mentors. He used to say, "Plans on paper are great. But they're just plans. We need to get a handle on concrete results!" So, what skills expand your leadership today so you successful tackle business challenges?

Many leaders don’t see “gratitude” as a real business leadership strategy to achieve concrete results. I don’t blame them! In our fast-paced leadership world of high-tech, robotics, cultural upheaval, and global turmoil, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. How effectively is your leadership strategy delivering the concrete results you need to grow your business?

I often find inspiration for leadership strategy in unexpected places. One such source is in my own backyard – our Quaking Aspen Grove.  Quaking Aspens have a striking appearance and remarkable resilience. They are first to break forth with green in the spring, and the last to lose their brilliant colors in the fall. What can we learn from them? What wellspring of leadership wisdom might we find in studying them?

In our recent Courageous Leadership Development Series, we look at the tumultuous changes we all face. It's in all areas…medical, technological, and financial.

Some financial experts say we're in an Era of Exponential Progress. It's exciting for some. For others, it’s one more thing that produces fear and stress.

What does Exponential Progress look like?