Author: Danita

I enjoy hiking the hills on our ranch, Eagle Springs. My favorite path is next to a vibrant Quaking Aspen grove. Every season, I'm amazed at their beauty. Plus, these treks are a great source of leadership development insight and inspiration. In the fresh outdoors, I’m often surprised by the leadership strategies that nature teaches me... if I tune in. As my friend Jill Konrath says, "Walking is working."

Our first stop on our recent trip around the world (24 time zones in 23 days), was with our daughter, Danae, who's co-director of STEMM, a medical/educational mission in the foothills of Kilimanjaro.   While there, I trained local educational leaders on principles from my eBook,  5 Success Mindsets to Create Breakthrough Results. Gordon was grateful to see that I only packed an eBook and did NOT bring an extra bag to tow leadership development books!

As a young salesperson, I learned a critical leadership development lesson from one of my mentors. He used to say, "Plans on paper are great. But they're just plans. We need to get a handle on concrete results!" So, what skills expand your leadership today so you successful tackle business challenges?

Gordon and I decide to celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary in Costa Rica. We look forward to hiking the volcanoes, soaking in mineral-rich mud baths, and surfing the waves. Of course, I'm always thinking about leadership development.  3 Valuable leadership lessons bubble up: 1.) Blue Zone: What business building blocks might we learn from Blue Zones? 2.) Red Zone: How does the seemingly innocent pastime of gossiping destroy those building blocks? 3.) Blue Zone vs. Red Zone: What are the shocking differences between them?