It’s the Season to be Grateful for Leadership Growth Opportunities
Thanksgiving – a time for gratefulness.
How can I say thanks? I am overwhelmingly grateful for the abundant opportunities to join with colleagues in building momentum for the important message in Millennials Matter. Yes, Millennials do indeed matter. AND, so do you and your leadership.
Rick Warren reminds us of the power of gratefulness:
“Thank God in all things. When you pray, pray with thanksgiving. The healthiest human emotion is not love but gratitude. It actually increases your immunities. It makes you more resistant to stress and less susceptible to illness. People who are grateful are happy. But people who are ungrateful are miserable because nothing makes them happy. They’re never satisfied. It’s never good enough. So if you cultivate the attitude of gratitude, of being thankful in everything, it reduces stress in your life.”
When I think of all the people who have encouraged and supported my passion to energize and equip leaders who are committed to developing the Millennial and Next-Gen leaders in their lives, the list is endless!
Here is a sampling of some of them…
Paul Cronin: You are a constant source of encouragement. You’ve been steadfast in helping companies develop a culture where Millennials thrive.
Louise Anderson: Your passion for excellence brings forth the best in those around you, Louise. That’s one of the reasons that everything you touch turns out so well. Thanks for being a supporter and encourager of the message that Millennials matter.
Carlton Garborg: Our conversation on 1/20/17, as well as your vision for Millennials Matter, launched this initiative. Thank you, Carlton, for recognizing the importance of building Next-Gen leaders.
Jeff Meacham: I love the passion you bring to your work and to your clients, Jeff. Your work is instrumental in providing rubber-meets-the-road strategies for creating strong, engaging cultures where Millennials can excel. Thank you for your Amazon Five Star Review: “Danita has taken the time to ’seek first to understand’ the next generation, and also to collaborate with some great business, education and faith leaders. She then brings practical application of timeless principles based on this understanding and conversation. There are many golden nuggets in this book. I was encouraged and challenged by the ’Word from a Millennial’ quotes, and will re-visit them for sure!”
Tyler Olson: You never cease to amaze me, Tyler. Thanks for being such a great learner and implementer! I appreciate your Amazon Five Star Review: “Millennials Matter is a must-read for those who seek to understand how to best lead the workforce of the current and next generation. She clearly understands what it takes to be a good leader as well as what Millennials seek in today’s workplace.”
Paula Norbom: You’re a woman of action, Paula, and an inspiration to everyone who knows you. Thanks for the Amazon Five Star Review: “Danita Bye, in her book, Millennials Matter, provides practical tips, tools, talking points and short stories to help us tap into the power of Millennials at work. This is an easy to read book with insights from Millennials themselves, business leaders and countless hours of research.”
Rob Gales: Your passion to see leaders grow in their capacity in all areas of life sets your work apart from others in the field. Thank you for writing an endorsement for Millennials Matter – “Danita has identified the importance of equipping the millennial generation to succeed owners transitioning out of their businesses. In this historically largest ever transfer of generational wealth, Danita’s focus is to mentor, coach, and mobilize the millennial generation to lead companies to even greater levels, while at the same time preserving the legacy of the business owner.”
Robb Breding: Your servant-leadership perspective resonates with high-integrity leaders, focused on yielding positive results. I appreciate the opportunity to share at your inaugural event. It was energizing.
Shane Erickson: We’ve been working together for quite a few years, haven’t we, Shane? From our very first conversation, you voiced a motivation to work with emerging entrepreneurs and fuel their success. And, that is the great work you continue to do.
Marnie Ochs-Raleigh: You’re an energizing leader, Marnie, who’s always on the leading edge of creating business solutions for the digital world. You are on track with your Amazon Five Star Review: “As a business owner setting goals and making plans for business growth, it is critical we understand more about working with Millennials. The Millennials are the number one consumer group, as well as the future leaders of our company… There are golden nuggets in each chapter that can easily be implemented and I am already seeing positive results! My question is why did it take so long for an author to put this content together?”
Nurturing key relationships with self, colleagues, team members, and family is the core of long-term, effective leadership. I’d like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for your support and encouragement in spreading the Millennials Matter message.
“Gratefulness is a gift you give yourself that empowers others, leverages all your talents, and provides deep meaning and purpose to life.” ~ Danita Bye, Millennials Matter
Click here for all articles in our Gratefulness Newsletter
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.
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