Proven Insights on How to be a Great Leader

Proven Insights on How to be a Great Leader

What image pops into your mind when you hear the word “leadership”?

Or, does a person come to mind?

Perhaps it’s someone you admire or someone who encouraged you on your personal or professional journey?

My belief is that everyone envisions a different picture or framework when they hear the word “leadership.”

This Leadership Series  is a summary of the frameworks that I envision when I hear the word “leadership.” Here’s a short recap and the key takeaways that we dug into:

Part 1 – How to be a Listening Leader of Millennials

The significance of listening deeply to others is the topic of many leadership books, seminars, and coaching lectures. In this article, we discussed the benefits of becoming a listening leader…

  • Respect: Millennials say that by listening intently to what they say, and asking thoughtful questions, we earn their respect
  • Relevance: Deep listening ensures relevance, improves cooperation, deepens relationships, and boosts productivity
  • Relationship: When there’s conflict or a difficult topic on the table, active listening ensures that we don’t get hijacked by our emotions, but remain calm and on track

Part 2 – How to be a Transformational Leader

Transformational leaders create a win-win-win atmosphere that inspires, engages, and motivates their emerging leaders, strengthens his or her personal leadership acumen, and guarantees sustainable growth for their business. They do this because they know that this next-generation wants…

  • A mentor and a boss who will take the time to invest in them
  • A clear understanding of what success looks like to their leader
  • To feel like an individual, not a number
  • Regular feedback that drives their leadership and career development 

Part 3 – How to be a Differentiated Leader

In this article, we examined one of my favorite leadership books, Edwin H. Friedman’s Failure of Nerve, Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix.  Well-differentiated leaders have these traits:

  • The ability to maintain a strong sense of “self” in the midst of conflict and chaos
  • They are effective because they are able to regulate their own emotions
  • Respect the rights of others to be the way they are while holding firm

For previous articles in this series go to:

Let me know how these frameworks have stimulated your own thinking about your leadership journey – I’d love to hear your insights.

Use these insights to expand and strengthen your leadership acumen so that you become even more effective in navigating the daunting challenges of our ever-evolving world!

Millennials Matter
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