Leadership Development Insight from Danita

Your source for proven and practical strategies to expand your leadership and get on track to grow your business in times of disruption.

  • Prioritize Leadership Development

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This is a difficult time to know how to coach salespeople to stay 100% engaged. Each salesperson has a unique way of handling this time of crisis and uncertainty. That's why I’m excited about my recent e-book, Millennial Sales Coaching: 9  Tips to Coach Your Salespeople Through Crisis, To Recovery. I’d love for you to have a copy for free. Click here to receive your e-book right away: E-book Gift.

“I want my Millennial salespeople checked in…both physically and mentally. And to stay checked in. No matter what they are up against. These are difficult times for every leader – and especially for sales. I need the salespeople to listen strategically to prospects and clients. I want them to activate their creative energy and insights, searching for new ways to serve and new products to develop." (Peter, President of an engineering firm.)

This is hard for business leaders to believe as they chart their sales strategy - in the world of video conferencing, A.I., and the latest-and-greatest social media platform, one of the best tools for selling right now is the phone. Yes, the phone! And, I agree - engaging prospects in the opening call can be a challenge, even for the best sales professionals in the best of times. My colleague, Art Sobczak, is renowned for teaching sales professionals how to eliminate the fear, failure, and rejection so they can sell more by phone – without sounding like some cheesy salesperson.

How to Right-Size Your Sales Team to Maximize Recovery, Hunter Byington's recent article, was a hit.  Hunter and I are working together with a number of clients who are committed to raising the bar on their sales and sales management game in order to recover well in 2020. Thus, I invited Hunter to share some additional insights that I believe will be helpful for you as you chart your own recovery effort. “What might I do to replace lost sales, market share, and revenue after this disastrous second quarter?”    This is a question every future-focused business leader is asking right now.