Leadership Development Insight from Danita

Your source for proven and practical strategies to expand your leadership and get on track to grow your business in times of disruption.

  • Prioritize Leadership Development

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Frustrated managing and leading remote salespeople? With unprecedented challenges on a global scale, we may have to get used to a "new normal" in leading and managing our Millennial salespeople. That's exactly what we will be talking about at The Millennial Sales Growth Webinar Series. It's a 3-week webinar series, starting April 9th at 10 AM Central.

Every top-class athlete faces what feels like unsurmountable obstacles, as part of their leadership development journey. And, every top-class athlete has a coach who challenges them. The coach inspires them to see the world differently and to develop the mental toughness, the grit, the mindsets needed to succeed even in the midst of chaos. The market is chaotic. The coronavirus is changing the global landscape. Your Millennial salesperson also needs a coach, just like any top-class athlete needs a coach, to deal with the obstacles they are facing. Will you be that trusted sales performance management coach?

Sprinting and marathon running are at opposite ends of the athletic spectrum. One lasts a matter of seconds and the other goes on for hours. Therefore, it’s only natural that coaches will have different training methods for these athletes. Sprinters must get off to a good start to remain competitive in a race. They spend hours practicing a quick reaction to the starting gun. Conversely, marathon runners must leave energy for the end of the race or run the risk of not finishing.