5 Bold Predictions – How to Build Breakthrough Mindsets in Times of Uncertainty (Leadership Development)


5 Bold Predictions – How to Build Breakthrough Mindsets in Times of Uncertainty (Leadership Development)

Joe, a business owner, sounds frustrated: “I’m not comfortable that my sales leaders and sales teams are able to give me a sales strategy with a predictable forecast of what’s really going to close? How can I plan without a reliable forecast?”

Breaking with the Old Way for How to Grow Sales

Shortly after my video conversation with Joe, I see this post on LinkedIn:

Every breakthrough starts with a break from the old and a break into the new. New opportunity, new you, new chapter.~ Travis LeFever, President at Mission Mobile Medical Group Click To Tweet

The meme kicks off a robust discussion on the meaning of the word “break.” My friend and colleague, Paula Norbom, suggests we can –

  • take a break,
  • make a break,
  • break apart, or,
  • break away.

Great list!  And, I add one more…

  • Breakthrough.

And then, I’m thinking of a fighter jet, breaking the sound barrier! Have you ever heard the thunder-like sound of a sonic boom? And, I believe that’s what we need right now!

Joe’s lament is spot on – many of the success sales strategies of the past may not yield the results we need for the new economic conditions we’re facing. We may need new sales strategies.  We definitely need a thunderous sonic-boom-breakthrough mindset to get us through the uncertain, murky skies of our New Normal.

5 Bold Predictions that Impact Your Sales Strategy

As the world begins to consider business after Covid-19, I am invited to deliver a virtual keynote. It’s for the Economic Times Sales Strategy Virtual Summit 2020 in India. Over 1200 industry leaders from different countries coming together to get fresh insight on navigating the New Normal.

The organizers assign me the keynote title: 5 Bold Predictions for a Post Covid-19 World that will Impact the Sales Profession Drastically. Yikes! What BOLD predictions did I have for such an esteemed group of global leaders?!?

After my short panic, I realize that business owners have been asking me this same question for my entire career, “What do I need to do to get my sales team back on track?”

Yes, I knew they were searching for THE silver-bullet answer.

However, I answered their question with one of my own.

  • My favorite question.
  • A catalyst question.
  • A question that invites us to break with the old, creating new opportunities.

That’s what Joe wants, doesn’t he? To see the world with new eyes that open up opportunities.

Watch this video from Economic Times Virtual Summit (India) on “What might I do to make a positive difference”:

1 Powerful Question Creates Breakthrough Sales Strategy Results

As I sit down to work on my keynote, I reflect on the very question my colleague, Hunter Byington, asked me. At the time, I was wrestling with whether or not to accept the invitation. Did I really have answers for global leaders wanting to know how to address an uncertain New Normal? Then Hunter asked me, “Danita, what might you do to make a positive impact on those who are struggling to navigate the future?”

Within five minutes after I had the outline for 5 Bold Predictions for a Post-Covid-19 World. My predictions and my recommendations are based on 5 Success Mindsets, rooted in my one favorite question, that yield breakthrough results.

In this series, I’ll show you how to leverage the Five Success Mindsets you need to lead and manage in this time of chaos.

Here’s the question, along with the related Success Mindsets: “What might I do to make a positive impact?”

Life will always be filled with uncertainties. Even our most researched, and economically sound forecasts can be turned upside down overnight by unexpected events. So, we must always be prepared to create breakthrough , no matter what we’re up against.

That’s why the 5 Success Mindsets will assist you to create the sonic boom breakthroughs you and your team need to overcome unique (and unforeseen) challenges.

How will we do this?

  • “WHAT” – taps into that future-focused mindset, encouraging your team to move forward.
  • “MIGHT” – uses the secret word that inspires top innovators to solve unsolvable problems.
  • “I” – takes ownership of getting traction to reach your goals.
  • “DO” – unlocks the action and momentum to execute your plans.
  • “TO MAKE A POSITIVE IMPACT” – creates hopeful, realistic optimism.

One question to spark five success mindsets that will unlock breakthrough sales results, even in a post-COVID-19 world, where we are dealing with massive disruptions economically, demographically, technically, and culturally.

When obstacles seem to block your path to success, your response is critical. Will you blame your circumstances, or will you be able to make the needed adjustments to stay on a growth path?

Joe isn’t the only business owner who is asking important questions about navigating the challenges of a changed world. Maybe, like Joe, you’re also concerned about having to plan for the future of your business without the benefit of reliable forecasts.

All is not lost! As the leader of your team, you can make a difference. Your leadership matters. Now is the time to take charge and show your salespeople how to deal with obstacles – even if they seem as impenetrable as an iceberg.

Guide them to break the power of negative thinking patterns today so they will know that they never have to feel devastated, throw in the towel, or give up on their dreams.

Are you ready to energize and equip your salespeople to break through the barriers and get back on track to growing your business?

To read all the articles in this series, check it out here:

Secrets to Improving Territory Sales Reviews (And Getting Breakthrough Results)

Sales Strategy Secrets to End 2020 on a High

The Secret to Superior Sales Coaching

Create an Action-Packed Sales Strategy to Inspire Superior Performance

One Powerful Question to Achieve Breakthrough Sales Growth

Leadership Lesson: Develop the success mindsets your salespeople need to not only survive but thrive in the future.  

Leadership Question:  What might you do to develop mindsets that will help your salespeople break barriers in this economy?

Join me for a free virtual coffee meeting
Having challenges keeping your team engaged and focused in a productive direction? We invite you to schedule a free virtual coffee meeting with us. No charge, no obligation. Just 45 minutes to talk through what challenges are happening, receive personal tips, advice, and next steps on how to solve those challenges. To schedule, email me at danita@DanitaBye.com
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