Executive Leadership

Read my latest article, "How Gratitude Restores Confidence During Negative Preparation for Your Leadership Strategy" HERE. It's easy to be grateful for the big things. Yet, gratitude often stems from how we look at the world and our circumstances. What if you view every situation as an opportunity for learning and growth?

The shifting economic, political, and business landscape requires a new leadership strategy and mindset. The quote from my colleague and friend, Shari Levitin, Gratitude and Fear can't co-exist. sparks many questions. As a wise, high-growth leader, there’s so much you can do to support the Next-Gen leaders in your organization. You ask, "So what can I really do to make a positive impact?

I recently facilitated leadership development workshops in Tanzania and Thailand. The foundation for these coaching strategies goes back to a keynote I did in India.  I participated in The Economic Times Sales Strategy Virtual Summit 2020, a global gathering of visionary leaders. We focused on one critical question. How do we navigate the "New Normal?"