5 Unstoppable Leadership Strategies to Prosper in the Age of AI (Podcast)
I joined my friend and colleague, Michelle Bonahoom, for an energized leadership development discussion on Vision One High-Performance Group’s Unstoppable Podcast. In “Inspiring the Next Generation,” we discussed leadership challenges for today. What leadership obstacles are you facing today?
We are navigating rapid shifts across the board, on an economic, technological, cultural, and demographic level. How do leaders deal with the critical changes in this Era of Exponential Growth?
Is Your Leadership Strategy Ready for a New Era?
Generative AI is one of many factors accelerating rapid change. Leading in the age of AI and disruptive digitization is challenging leaders! In the upcoming months, I’ll explore this topic in greater detail.
Throughout history, monumental events have marked turning points in human progress. Consider each of the societal changes that happened with the introduction of these “general purpose technologies. First there were engines. Then, there was electrification across the entire nation. Then, computers. Since the 70s, we’ve seen the rise of personal computers, the internet, and mobile technology. These tools transformed communication, connectivity, and information access.
Now, AI is revolutionizing industries in every domain. Mark Hagerott is a Ph.D. Chancellor for the North Dakota University System. In this article, he presents a critical question: Can Humans Flourish in the Age of Robots, Cyberspace, and Artificial Intelligence? He states: “The people now alive are the most important generations in history. They will navigate the emergence of Intelligent Machines and Cyberspace.”
This isn’t idle talk. Hagerott says that our interaction with robotics will drive workers to “retool.” Many need to “rethink” their careers and work, considering that Generative AI is the 4th generation of general-purpose technology.
Mark and I connected with Dr. Karel Sovak, Dean of the Gary Tharaldson School of Business at the University of Mary, at Dakota Mornings. We discussed the ethical implications and responsibilities we are dealing with:
- privacy,
- data protection, and
- algorithm use and bias in AI
It was an engaging dialogue!
It’s against this vortex of change that I appreciated discussing leadership insights on the Unstoppable Podcast. You can listen to the full podcast conversation here. Before we dive into these leadership strategies, I’d like to share some of my 6 favorite quotes from the Unstoppable podcast:
- “Fear spreads a layer of Vaseline over your eyes. It prevents you from seeing things with clarity. Courage starts by recognizing that fear and finding a way to push through it.”
- “Gratitude unlocks our creativity. It helps us to see new opportunities and what is real versus what we fear.”
- “To lead well, we must stand firm in our values even when it’s tempting to veer off-course. Many distractions don’t align with our calling.”
- “When we walk in confidence, grounded in who we are, it empowers others to be their best too.”
- “It’s easy to use excuses. Your opportunity as a leader is to recognize the mindsets that sabotage you. Choose to install truth instead.”
- “Our values are like a compass. It guides us through uncertainty. It helps us to make decisions that resonate with our purpose.”
Although I didn’t directly discuss these Leadership Strategies in the podcast, I want to ensure you know about these extra free resources.
Leadership Strategy #1: Millennials Matter Prepares Future Leaders
We see our Next-Gen leaders stepping into a world filled with unprecedented challenges. They face ethical dilemmas brought about by AI, digital disruption, and genetic engineering. Fear is prevalent.
What might you do? You are a guide. You can help young leaders navigate this chaotic landscape.
I used 3 core concepts to write Millennials Matter, my leadership guidebook.
- Strengthen Your Character: Every leader needs a strong character. This is fundamental to who we are. It guides our decision-making. Character development is a lifelong journey.
- Lead with Confidence: On the surface, Next-Gens look confident. And yet, I often wonder whether it’s a true belief in themselves or a façade. Many people use social media platforms to share glamorous snippets of their lives. Those who see the “evidence of success,” often feel like a failure. Why? Because they measure their success against fake standards. In this section of the book, you’ll learn how to cultivate authentic confidence. Confidence grounded in core values.
- Engage in Collaboration: Collaboration can be difficult when diverse perspectives come into play. True collaboration requires us to seek understanding and respect. When we work together, despite our differences, everyone thrives.
The Millennials Matter insights equip you to build Next-Gen leaders. You can guide them to maximize their leadership influence in an AI world.
Leadership Strategy #2: 5 Success Mindsets to Expand Your Leadership Influence
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I get a surprise. I’m invited to deliver a keynote at the Economic Times Sales Strategy Virtual Summit.
In preparing for the talk, one powerful question guides my insights.
“What might I do to make a positive impact?”
This question forms the foundation of the 5 Success Mindsets. These mindsets will help you to lead in the age of AI and digital disruption. Here’s a summary of how this catalyst question can spark 5 success mindsets:
- WHAT – Activate an Accountability Mindset
Shift from a victim mentality to one of accountability. Invite your Next-Gen leaders to ask this question. “What might I do to strengthen myself during these challenges?” This “what” question focuses on future growth rather than dwelling on past failures.
- MIGHT – Ignite a Creative Solution Mindset
Use “might” questions to inspire resilience and innovation. This powerful word encourages leaders to explore different solutions.
- I – Grow an Ownership Mindset
Fight the entitlement mentality by requiring personal responsibility. Leaders who take ownership activate their problem-solving abilities and creativity.
- DO – Adopt an Action Mindset
An action mindset sees challenges as opportunities. Encourage Next-Gen leaders to take concrete steps toward their goals. It helps them to stretch their comfort zones daily.
- MAKE A POSITIVE IMPACT – Switch to a Results Mindset
Help leaders focus on setting and achieving clear goals. A results-driven mindset fosters action and wires the brain for success.
I encourage you to cultivate these five success mindsets in your Next-Gen leaders. It will help them navigate challenges with confidence and creativity. You can help equip future leaders to thrive in an ever-changing AI landscape.
Leadership Strategy #3: Align Vision, Values, and Virtues with Your Goals
Clarity on your vision, values, and virtues is essential for your leadership journey. This is your compass, guiding you through uncertainty. It helps you make decisions that resonate with your purpose.
By clarifying your mission, vision, and values, you not only enhance your own direction. You inspire others. You foster trust and empower Next-Gen leaders to contribute to a shared vision.
My eBook on Vision, Values, and Virtues, serves as a practical guide. It clarifies your vision and values and improves leadership performance.
Our world is changing at break-neck speed. It can be challenging to discern right from wrong. This resource provides practical insights to craft your Vision, Values, and Virtues statement. That will be your/ solid foundation for leading in an AI World.
Start creating your Vision, Values, and Virtues Statements today, and lead with wisdom. Get the eBook here.
Leadership Strategy #4: Build Sisu Courage for Every Leadership Mountain
My daughter Danae decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Her story of courage inspired me to develop The Courage Series. Danae’s once-in-a-lifetime adventure required extraordinary courage. Today’s leadership challenges in the age of AI are also daunting.
In The Courage Series, you can read about these Kilimanjaro leadership lessons.
- Fuel Your Leadership Oxygen with a Courageous Character
Many climbers choose the shortest route, believing it’s the best choice. This shortcut often leads to failure due to a lack of acclimatization. Today’s challenges can do the same. It robs you of your Leadership Oxygen. A courageous character is essential to avoid stalling in the face of adversity.
- Fight a Negative Mindset with Courage, Confidence, and Gratitude
A negative mindset is destructive for climbers and leaders. It undermines confidence. It feeds a culture of criticism, condemnation, and complaints. It drains your vital leadership energy. Cultivating a courageous, confident mindset is crucial to overcoming these challenges.
- Foster Strong Collaboration to Expand Your Leadership Impact
Many climbers lack the necessary support. A trusted, experienced guide is vital for any adventure. It’s true when you’re climbing a mountain and when you’re leading in an AI world.
In The Courage Series, discover how to cultivate a can-do mindset. That’s the mindset Next-Gen leaders need to reach new heights – even in an AI world. You can get a copy of the ebook here.
Leadership Strategy #5: Gratitude is a Transformative Leadership Tool
What are your thoughts on using gratitude as a leadership strategy? I’ve surprised some leaders by talking about gratitude as a transformative leadership tool. Yet, scientific studies confirm a link between gratitude and improved performance.
I’ve referenced Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist in Millennials Matter. In her book Switch on Your Brain, Leaf describes the beneficial effects of a grateful mindset.
She uses the metaphor of a “brain tree.” Our thoughts affect the structure and function of our brains. The same happens when a tree grows new branches. (Learn more about this concept in this article.) Leaf emphasizes the importance of a healthy mindset for growth. Trees need strong roots, and your Next-Gen leader needs a solid foundation to thrive.
In The Gratitude Series, you can learn more about renewing your mind. Discover how, what scientists call neuroplasticity, aligns with scripture and scientific principles.
I encourage you to embrace gratitude. You can help your Next-Gen leaders expand their leadership influence in the age of AI.
A Leadership Strategy Invitation to Dive Deeper
During the Unstoppable Podcast conversation, I share a poem with my friend, Michelle Bonahoom, and her colleagues. I wrote this poem many years ago. It’s included in Millennials Matter: Proven Strategies for Building Your Next Gen Leader, as well as Letters From the King: A Devotional Parable of Spiritual Discover for Working Women. God inspired “The Calling” when I needed strengthening for my journey.
The Calling
I am calling you,
I am anointing you,
I am setting you apart for a divine purpose.
Rise up and walk in it.
Turn your back on how you’ve done it before.
Behold, I am making all things new.
I am opening new vistas and opportunities.
Walk in confidence.
My heartfelt prayer is that this poem will confirm your calling. Leverage your unique talents today. You can impact the lives of the Next-Gen leaders in the Age of AI and Digital Disruption.
Your leadership matters. Now, more than ever….in this Era of Exponential Growth.
More Favorite Quotes from Unstoppable Podcast
“Gratitude unlocks our creativeness, helping us see new opportunities and what truly is versus what we fear.”
“Gratitude allows us to dissolve the mental blocks that prevent us from seeing what can be, paving the way for confidence and innovation.
“In the midst of difficult situations, gratitude helps us to reflect on what we’re learning, and with that, new solutions emerge.
“It’s easy to use excuses, but part of our opportunity as a leader is to recognize those mindsets that sabotage us and install truth instead.”
“We often face challenges and bumps, but grit is about taking a step back, reassessing, and charging forward again.
“To lead well, we must stand firm in our values, even when it’s tempting to veer off-course with distractions that aren’t aligned with our calling.
“Fear spreads a layer of Vaseline over your eyes, preventing you from seeing clearly. Courage starts by recognizing that fear and finding a way to push through it.
“Courageous leadership comes from inner clarity. The clearer we are about our mission and vision, the bolder we can be in our actions.
“Courage doesn’t mean the absence of fear; it means recognizing the fear and choosing to move forward anyway, with confidence in our purpose.”
“Confidence comes from knowing your purpose, staying aligned with your values, and refusing to settle for anything less than what you’re truly called to do.
“When we walk in confidence, grounded in who we are, it empowers others to be their best too.”
“Building confidence starts with trusting the process, even when the path forward isn’t perfectly clear.”
“Good leadership is timeless—no matter the generation, it’s about having character, casting a vision, and coaching people to be their best.”
“Our character is shaped by how we handle the tough moments, not just the easy ones.”
“Strong character comes from aligning your actions with your values, and sticking to your mission, even when distractions are tempting.”
Additional Resource: Leading in the Age of AI Interview – Dakota Mornings and Chancellor Hagerott (ChatGPT Quotes also)
Leadership Lesson: Leadership requires a solid foundation. The right leadership strategies expand your leadership influence in the Age of AI.
Leadership Question: What leadership strategies do you need to lead well in the age of AI?
PS: Here are links to the Social Media platforms where you can listen to the Unstoppable Podcast with Michelle Bonahoom and myself:
Copyright, Danita Bye (This article is NOT AI-generated) 😊
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