Energy Leadership Securing North Dakota’s Energy Future (Op-Ed)
The article titled “Securing North Dakota’s Energy Future Through Innovation and Investment” highlights the state’s efforts to sustain its fossil fuel industries through innovative technologies and strategic investments. It emphasizes North Dakota’s leading role in oil production and the adoption of carbon capture technology, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It also looks at the importance of balancing environmental concerns with economic growth and the potential for future advancements to secure the state’s energy future.
Title: Securing North Dakota’s Energy Future Through Innovation and Investment (Op-Ed)
“The new year presents ND’s energy industries with great opportunities. While the last four years have brought relentless challenges to our fossil fuel sectors, ND has prevailed. Oil production has consistently remained above one million barrels per day, making us the nation’s third-highest oil-producing state.
As federal regulations have prematurely shut down coal-fired power plants across the country, we have maintained this reliable and affordable energy source in our state, and continue to serve as the backbone of our regional grid.
As a result of our “geologic jackpot” and regulatory environment, ND has been at the leading edge of a low-carbon energy economy with three commercial-scale CO2 storage projects in operation and billions more in proposed investment.
The result of all of this for North Dakota has been a stable tax base, a prospering economy, good-paying jobs, and energy security for our state, region, and nation.
We are at an important point in North Dakota’s energy future. By investing in research, we will unleash technologies to crack the code on maximizing Bakken production, including enhanced oil recovery utilizing CO2. The Bakken still holds significant potential for new oil production, but as the region matures, proving enhanced recovery methods are becoming increasingly critical to sustain output. Simultaneously, developing a long-term, stable market for CO2 is essential, as current investments are largely driven by federal tax incentives. Enhanced oil recovery using CO2 stands at the crossroads of these challenges, offering a dual solution: extending Bakken production while ensuring the successful deployment of carbon capture technology.
This approach not only safeguards the future of North Dakota’s coal industry but also supports the growth of other low-carbon energy sectors.
Supported by a forward-thinking legislature that has prioritized energy research and development, we have made significant progress in advancing enhanced oil recovery in the Bakken shale and fostering the development of carbon capture technology.
Well-represented by our congressional delegation, we will carry this momentum forward with new leadership in Washington, D.C. that champions American energy production. Led by a new ND Governor with valuable expertise in these issues, ND’s voice will be strong on the national stage.
We must push to drive ND’s energy sector into the next phase of innovation that will sustain our fossil fuel industries – and with them, the tax revenues, jobs, infrastructure improvements, and education funding that benefit generations to come.
Now is the time to double down on investments that unlock the Bakken’s full potential, energized by the affordable and reliable energy of lignite coal, ensuring ND’s success story continues well into the future.”
Ron Ness, President, ND Petroleum Council
Jason Bohrer, President, Lignite Energy Council
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