Why Active Listening is a Fundamental Part of your Leadership Skills

Why Active Listening is a Fundamental Part of your Leadership Skills

When coaching leadership development, I often see people formulating their responses while others are still speaking. They’re not actively listening and processing the information being shared. Have you experienced that in meetings?

I’m passionate about coaching active listening skills. It’s been a part of my leadership toolbox for as long as I can remember. Many years ago, Dick Youngblood wrote about my sales strategy secrets in an article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Of course, one of those secrets was about the importance of listening. Here’s an extract…

‘The key is listening’

“Salespeople love to talk – they’re sort of walking brochures,” Bye said. “But the key is listening to your customers.  You have to understand their business, identify their frustrations and needs, and recognize their financial constraints.  Only then can you come up with a solution that fits them.”

You can read the article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune below.

Youngblood article
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