Coaching and Mentoring Millennials Tag

We can foster breakthrough Millennial sales results by cultivating collaboration. Tapping the brilliance of every single sales professional in your company, from the technology-savvy Millennials to the knowledge-rich Baby Boomers, by raising the Collaboration Quotient of team members, is critical. In my recent Forbes article, I challenge business owners and sales leaders to cultivate a collaborative culture by redefining "collaboration" are more than social media activity or a new technology tool. Collaboration is the catalyst that maximizes teamwork. This happens when your Millennial develops a capacity to value their own uniqueness along with the strengths of others on the team. What is your coaching strategy to develop the Collaboration Quotient in your Millennial sales leader?

“The sewn-in ribbon bookmark serves as a pause button.”  What an interesting insight from the professors from the Liffrig Family School of Education and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND. They discovered a fun way to approach the review of Millennials Matter - a ‘book club’ strategy where different professors were assigned one chapter for their reflection. As you coach and mentor your up-and-coming millennial leader and salesperson, what can you learn from them?

With 10,000 baby boomers retiring per day, we need to muster all our resources to build the Millennial Leaders into strong, high-character leaders now. Millennials will be assuming leadership roles and responsibilities in the enterprise you've put your heart and soul into. It’s time for leaders to stop complaining about Millennials and start coaching and mentoring them. What is your strategy to mentor and coach your millennial leader? What resources do you have?

An instructor who cannot learn should not teach.– Danita Bye

As a leader who builds leaders, informal two-way mentoring is one of the strategies for sharing your leadership, sales and business wisdom and insights with your emerging leader, whether they are at work or on the home front. What is two-way mentoring? It’s an informal, collaborative willingness to learn from each other in order to grow one’s personal and professional capacity to lead wisely. 60% of the leaders expressed frustration in our Millennial Survey, wondering how to work with this new crop of leaders. Two-way mentoring is an approach that’s steeped in deep respect for each other and a willingness and humbleness to learn from each other. What is your strategy to build your millennial leader so they can expand sales, grow revenues and ensure your business and predictable systems and processes will flourish in the future?

“Ramp up your efforts to mentor Millennials for leadership roles in your business.” – Danita Bye

  Charlie is the President of a technology company and Millennials make up 35% of his current workforce.  After completing the Millennial Survey, he sent me a very encouraging message as it aligns 100% with my Next-Gen leadership development recommendations. Charlie is purposefully proactive in developing the leadership qualities of his up-and-coming team, so that they will help build his company.  Why is this so important? Researchers project that nearly 80 percent of current business leaders and CEOs will retire within the next ten years.[1]  Each one will take with them decades of experience and wisdom. What is your transition strategy to ensure your company will continue to reap the rewards of the blood and sweat you’ve invested over the years? [1] It's Time To Retire Retirement