Courage Tag

Here are leadership development quotes from the Dakota Mornings transcript from ChatGPT. You can read the transcript HERE. These quotes, chosen by ChatGPT, spotlight the leadership challenge of staying human amidst rapid change in the Age of AI. These comments focus on leadership, courage, character, and connection. Thanks to Michael Bell, host of Dakota Mornings; Chancellor Mark Hagerott, North Dakota University System, and Karel Sovak, Dean, Gary Tharaldson School of Business at University of Mary.

One of my biggest aha moments came with the discovery that many of my leadership development and spiritual formation lessons were rooted in my childhood. I grew up in an eight-hundred-square-foot homestead shack on an isolated cattle ranch in northwestern North Dakota. I had the privilege of being an eyewitness and an active participant to character-building challenges on a daily basis. Using an outhouse until I was thirteen, no running water in the house… North Dakota conditions were tough for a young girl, don’t you think?

We’re living in the Era of Exponential Progress. Some see these times as an exciting adventure. Others feel anxious, as they fall prey to the toxic impact of the Fear Pandemic. What about you? How are the economic, technological, spiritual, relational, and intellectual challenges impacting your role as a leader and your Leadership Development initiatives?