Gratitude Tag

After posting a leadership development article on Gratitude, I get this great response from a colleague and friend, Erik Beckler, author of Four Fundamentals of Leadership:

“Chronic fear is debilitating. Showing gratitude in leadership is a great way to counter fear in yourself and others.  When gratitude is present and permeates a team culture, fear has a lot to go through to make an impact.”

How powerful is that!?

Young leaders deserve our support and our empathy, right? After all, many in leadership development say we're in an Era of Exponential Progress. The challenges seem daunting:
  • Navigating the uncertainty caused by global economic chaos;
  • Dealing with complex cultural and moral shifts; and,
  • Staying relevant in a robotic world & competing with AI celebrities, like ChatGPT.
Do you hear the same concerns with your leaders?