Gratitude Tag

Our first stop on our recent trip around the world (24 time zones in 23 days), was with our daughter, Danae, who's co-director of STEMM, a medical/educational mission in the foothills of Kilimanjaro.   While there, I trained local educational leaders on principles from my eBook,  5 Success Mindsets to Create Breakthrough Results. Gordon was grateful to see that I only packed an eBook and did NOT bring an extra bag to tow leadership development books!

Gordon and I decide to celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary in Costa Rica. I’m taking a break from my focus on Leadership Development work. We look forward to hiking the volcanoes, soaking in mineral-rich mud baths, and surfing the waves. During our sunny vacation, two valuable leadership lessons bubble up: 1.) Blue Zone: What are some of the business building blocks we might learn from Blue Zones? 2.) Gossip: How does the seemingly innocent pastime of gossiping tear down and destroy those building blocks?

Many leaders don’t see “gratitude” as a real business leadership strategy to achieve concrete results. I don’t blame them! In our fast-paced leadership world of high-tech, robotics, cultural upheaval, and global turmoil, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. How effectively is your leadership strategy delivering the concrete results you need to grow your business?