leadership development Tag

Social media continually promotes turmoil, chaos, disruption, and anxiety. In the midst of this fear, I’m asking myself, “What might I do to make a positive impact?, especially with  Leadership Development? As this is the 4th Anniversary of Millennials Matter: Proven Strategies for Building Your Next-Gen Leader, I’m posing the same question to you… “What might you do to make a positive impact on your Next-Gen and Millennial leaders?"

My parents, Fred and Joyce, are Dale Carnegie fans. In 1981, while I was still at the University of Sioux Falls, I received a leadership development gift from them - How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. Evidently, they knew that as I finished university and launched into the next stage of life I would benefit from reading this book. :-)  Well, that’s an understatement! I could hardly put the book down. I underlined and made notes as I devoured each page. Since reading the book for the first time – about 30 years ago – I've also been a Dale Carnegie fan. Have you read it yet? Is it in your library? If yes, it may be time to dust it off and reread - it's filled with much-needed strategies for these disruptive times. If not, I invite you to consider reading it this season.

I love this time of the year! Celebrating Thanksgiving with family, including grandchildren. Anticipating the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of Christmas… I’m also celebrating the 4th anniversary of Millennials Matter, Proven Strategies for Building Your Next-Gen Leaders. How about you, what are you celebrating now? What are your favorite holiday traditions?

"Our strong character-based leadership matters NOW, more than ever.” The world is changing at a staggering pace. Economically, technologically, digitally, and culturally we’re sprinting to keep up. In the midst of the madness, I find focus and direction in my favorite question, “What might I do to make a positive impact?” My Strategy for Leading Successfully is…
  • Step Up – I regularly review and realign my passion and purpose.
  • Step In – I embrace an action-oriented, ownership approach.
  • Step Out – I constantly look for opportunities to make a positive impact on everyone in my sphere of influence.