Leadership Development Insight from Danita

Your source for proven and practical strategies to expand your leadership and get on track to grow your business in times of disruption.

  • Prioritize Leadership Development

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  • Improve How to Manage Millennials

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Five small steps you can take to make a huge impact on your next-gen leader’s growth. Over the past 5 weeks, I’ve shared video clips of the 5 top tips from my first ever TEDx talk, “Millennial Leadership: Stop Complaining, Start Coaching.” Check them out, then let me know your thoughts, perspectives, and experiences.

Experienced leaders have vast amounts of knowledge, wisdom, and insight. As we are coaching and mentoring the emerging leader in our life, we are so excited and want to dump all of this on them as soon as possible. Therefore, we talk, and talk, and talk… Next, our emerging leader loses trust. Then, they disengage.  Why? Trust is at its lowest when we talk 75 – 80 percent of the time, and listen only 20 – 25 percent of the time.

In our Millennial Survey, one of the participants directed me to her favorite domino video – you may have seen it before. A physicist demonstrates how a domino can knock over another domino one and a half times its size. He continues to explain that, in only 29 moves, a micro-sized domino that’s only five millimeters high can eventually knock down a domino the size of the Empire State Building. Amazing, isn’t it? What sales strategy do you as leaders have to create motivation that could make a huge difference in your Millennials' lives today?

When I wrote Millennials Matter, I invited a group of emerging leaders to review the first draft and provide feedback. One of the millennial reviewers said: “We can get a million likes, and still feel empty. We need to hear real affirmations from real people in real-time about our gifts and talents. Why? So that we get to know ourselves, how we’re wired, and how we can serve.