Leadership Development Insight from Danita

Your source for proven and practical strategies to expand your leadership and get on track to grow your business in times of disruption.

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As a young salesperson, I learned a critical leadership development lesson from one of my mentors. He used to say, "Plans on paper are great. But they're just plans. We need to get a handle on concrete results!" So, what skills expand your leadership today so you successful tackle business challenges?

Gordon and I decide to celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary in Costa Rica. We look forward to hiking the volcanoes, soaking in mineral-rich mud baths, and surfing the waves. Of course, I'm always thinking about leadership development.  3 Valuable leadership lessons bubble up: 1.) Blue Zone: What business building blocks might we learn from Blue Zones? 2.) Red Zone: How does the seemingly innocent pastime of gossiping destroy those building blocks? 3.) Blue Zone vs. Red Zone: What are the shocking differences between them?

Many leaders don’t see “gratitude” as a real business leadership strategy to achieve concrete results. I don’t blame them! In our fast-paced leadership world of high-tech, robotics, cultural upheaval, and global turmoil, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. How effectively is your leadership strategy delivering the concrete results you need to grow your business?