Resources to Expand your Leadership Development (What does ChatGPT say?)
While working on my leadership development article series on Sisu Courage, I take a break to get some fresh insights from the outdoors! Sure enough, I got an ah-ha…
I wonder what ChatGPT thinks about leadership + courage. So, I use this ChatGPT prompt –What might a leader do to become more courageous?
Here’s ChatGPT’s answer:
- Be open to learning and growth: Leaders should be open to learning new skills and exploring different avenues for growth.
- Acknowledge fear: Leaders should acknowledge their fears and recognize that everyone experiences fear from time to time.
- Set goals: Courageous leaders set meaningful goals and strive to achieve them.
- Take calculated risks: Leaders should be willing to take risks and make decisions based on evidence and careful consideration.
- Lead by example: Courageous leaders set an example by taking action and leading from the front.
- Celebrate success: Leaders should celebrate the successes of their team, as well as their own.
- Show empathy: Courageous leaders show compassion and empathy towards their team members.
- Persevere: Leaders should never give up and remain resilient despite challenges and setbacks.
- Be open to learning and growth: Leaders should be open to learning new skills and exploring different avenues for growth.
What do you think of the answer?
What did ChatGPT get right?
What did it miss?
As part of the Sisu Courage Series, I share many links to articles, eBooks, and extracts from other books that I’ve written.
Below, I’ve compiled a list of these additional free resources, so that you can access them in a flash.
Navigate Well in an AI World
ChatGPT is the new rage in the AI World. I started writing about the technology tsunami a few years ago. For more insight, read my article, published in Leadership Now, How to Be an Engaging Leader in a World of Robotics, AI, and Digitization.
Lead with a Special Brand of Courage – Sisu Courage
What might you do to expand your leadership influence in the Era of Exponential Progress?
For some, their leadership mountains appear to be insurmountable at times. It takes a special brand of courage to lead wisely today – Sisu Courage. Read more about this powerful leadership strategy in this article: How to Use the Power of Sisu to Overcome Giant Leadership Development Challenges
Confront Fear and Be Courageous
Fear is destructive on multiple levels, regardless of how it shows up in your life. I invite you to read this article, How do you Confront Fear to Strengthen Your Leadership Development
Expand Your Leadership Influence with Clarity on your Vision, Values, and Virtues
Many leaders tell me that they feel like they’ve been slammed to their knees, the wind has been knocked out of them, and they’ve been shaken to their core. When the terrain is quickly changing and you feel out of breath, you need renewed clarity on your vision, values, and virtues. The E-book, 3 Strategies to Expand your Leadership Influence – The Personal Vision, Values, and Virtues eBook might be a good place to start. You can get it here.
Take the D.A.K.O.T.A. Survey to Strengthen your Leadership Oxygen Capacity
In Millennials Matter, I use the acronym D.A.K.O.T.A. to define the character traits I associate with solid virtues. This acronym is based upon my appreciation for my North Dakota roots. I invite you to work through the D.A.K.O.T.A. survey. It’s a helpful tool to discern where you and/or your team stands on the critical character traits you need to strengthen your Leadership Oxygen capacity.
Make the Domino Difference (TEDx Talk)
In my TEDx talk, I talk about the power of the Domino. A YouTube video, “Domino Chain Reaction, has more than two million views. You can check it out here. Here’s what I say: Did you know that a domino can knock over another domino 1 1/2 times its size? So, in only 29 moves, a domino that’s 5mm high – not professional size, not tournament size, but a micro size – can eventually knock down a domino the size of the Empire State Building! Learn about the 5 mm micro moves that you can make so that your leadership influence continues to expand.
Find a Trusted Guide to Get Your Leadership Performance Back on Track
If you’re like most leaders, there are myriad circumstances that cause you to trip. That’s when you might come to the realization that you’re off-track. In situations like these, it’s time to re-evaluate what’s in your Leadership Toolkit. Working with a guide or a coach might be needed to get your leadership performance back on track. Tom Blaylock is your guide for The Leader Intensive Program. It’s an assessment-based coaching encounter that assists leaders in charting a path to personal and professional growth.
To learn more about the Leader Intensive Experience contact me at for an introduction. Or, you can contact Tom Blaylock directly at referring to this article. Tom serves as the Director of Coaching for Five Capitals, holds ACC credentials from the International Coaching Federation, and is an MBTI© Certified Practitioner.
Leadership Development Resources from Millennials Matter
- Break the Chains of Negative Thinking. In Chapter 10 of Millennials Matter: Proven Strategies for Building Your Next-Gen Leaders, we discuss how to transform negative mindsets into positive action. So doing expands your leadership influence.
- Build a courageous Sisu confidence. Several chapters in Millennials Matter focus on boosting your leadership mindset so you can lead with courageous Sisu confidence.
- Chapter 19, Develop a Disciplined Action Mindset
- Chapter 20, Use the Catalytic Question
- How the Sisu Spirit Improves Your Leadership Strategy. Check out the rework of Chapter 18.
- Proactive Self-Care and Leadership. In Chapter 9, we discuss battles that challenge us to prioritize the need for self-reflection and re-calibration. To live more intentionally, listen more deeply and strategically to yourself on all levels. I believe you’ll find this chapter encouraging and challenging also.
- spiritually/motivationally,
- relationally,
- physically,
- intellectually, and
- financially.
Your leadership matters, NOW, more than ever.
It is my hope that these “Courage Series Extras” will provide meaningful tools, tips, and insights to strengthen your Courage Mindset Muscle.
You can read all the articles in the Sisu Courage Series by clicking on the links below:
How do You Confront Fear to Strengthen Your Leadership Development?
Leadership Strategy Insights from Courageously Taking on Mount Kilimanjaro
A Courageous Character Keeps Your Leadership Development Journey on Track
Gratitude Builds Courage to Confidently Turn Scary Times into Leadership Development
How to Courageously Connect to Improve Your Leadership Performance
This article was featured in my July 2023 Newsletter. Get your copy HERE.
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