At the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference (WBPC), North Dakota Governor Burgum challenges both North Dakota Petroleum Council, as well as North Dakota University System, to embrace leadership development and innovation in the face of epoch changes.
I enjoy hiking the hills on our ranch, Eagle Springs. My favorite path is next to a vibrant Quaking Aspen grove. Every season, I'm amazed at their beauty. Plus, these treks are a great source of leadership development insight and inspiration. In the fresh outdoors, I’m often surprised by the leadership strategies that nature teaches me... if I tune in. As my friend Jill Konrath says, "Walking is working."
Many leaders don’t see “gratitude” as a real business leadership strategy to achieve concrete results. I don’t blame them! In our fast-paced leadership world of high-tech, robotics, cultural upheaval, and global turmoil, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.
How effectively is your leadership strategy delivering the concrete results you need to grow your business?
“Chronic fear is debilitating. Showing gratitude in leadership is a great way to counter fear in yourself and others. When gratitude is present and permeates a team culture, fear has a lot to go through to make an impact.”
The leadership development interview with Scott Young of the Influencers Podcastwent nothing like the pre-show conversation I had with Dave Donaldson! Yet, our conversation about Next-Gen and Millennial leadership spotlighted important insights.
This is how Scott promotes our conversation: