Why Business Leaders Should Attend the Sales Growth Webinar Series (with Hunter & Danita)
Frustrated managing and leading remote salespeople?
With unprecedented challenges on a global scale, we may have to get used to a “new normal” in leading and managing our Millennial salespeople.
That’s exactly what we will be talking about at The Millennial Sales Growth Webinar Series. It’s a 3-week webinar series, starting April 9th at 10 AM Central.
We will deal with real-world challenges. And, provide proven and practical rubber-meets-the-road strategies for getting your salespeople focused – especially during these times of uncertainty, change and chaos.
My co-host, Hunter Byington, and I have collaborated on many projects over the last 20 years!  We’ve worked with several clients on sales development and provided frameworks to enable them to grow their companies.
We both agree that there are no quick fixes in the world of sales. To succeed requires a consistent approach to understanding the business and delivering the results.
As Hunter and I are preparing for this upcoming series, I asked him about his insights into some of the burning issues that business leaders, CEO’s and sales managers are facing during this crisis. Here are some of the highlights of the interview:
Jumpstarting a Stalled-Out Millennial Sales Team
Danita: We’ve worked together in the past in jumpstarting stalled out Millennial sales teams.  We assessed the entire team, sales strategies, sales processes, salespeople, and sales candidates. How would the current challenges we’re facing impact the work you’re doing in this area?
Hunter: With the anxiety levels rising and a sense of what’s-going-to-happen-next, our coaching is critical in keeping our Millennial salespeople focused and have the ability to be successful during these times. We need to provide our Millennial sales teams with concrete insights about how they can raise their game, given that selling has become exponentially more difficult. We find that Millennials love the sales evaluations that we conduct because it is their desire to know exactly where they need to focus on the sales process to improve their results. Using the evaluations for coaching, training and onboarding lay a great foundation for the sales managers we work with. It gives them confidence that they are focusing on strategically important issues that will have both a short-term and long-term impact.
Transitioning from Salesperson to Sales Manager
Danita: We both know that the jump from salesperson to sales manager can be laden with landmines. What are some of the landmines that new managers need to watch out for – especially the Millennial sales manager – during this chaotic season?
Hunter: They are charting unknown territory. Thus, many will want to reach out to experienced leaders who have valuable lessons they’ve learned during previous economic and market challenges. There are a couple of things to watch out for. Millennials are technology-focused…and may want to stay glued to their texting strategies. However, new sales managers will also want to leverage in-person, face-to-face conversations where they can pick up communication nuances that are missed through texting.
90-Day Coaching Plan
Danita: You also mention that you specialize in establishing an initial 90-Day coaching plan. How does that relate to getting Millennial salespeople on the fast track, especially when things are changing so quickly?
Hunter: Millennials want to work for a higher purpose. Their core purpose becomes even more important during times of crisis. Having strong vision, mission and value statements stabilizes their life (and their emotions). It gives meaning to their sales accomplishments. The faster you start them down that track with your company the greater traction you will get. The first 30 days is a great place to learn about their goals personally and professionally and translating them into motivators. The purpose of a 90-day coaching plan is to get inside their hearts and minds and work with that to build a growth mindset for how they work with you in the coming years.
I’m excited to be co-hosting the upcoming Millennial Sales Growth Webinar with Hunter. As leaders, we need all the help we can get to lead our Millennials well during these tumultuous times. I know that you and your Millennial salespeople will benefit greatly from the experience, wisdom, and knowledge that Hunter Byington will share with us.
And, I also invite you to subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have fresh, practical insights coming weekly.
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