Millennials Matter Tag

I love this time of the year! Celebrating Thanksgiving with family, including grandchildren. Anticipating the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of Christmas… I’m also celebrating the 4th anniversary of Millennials Matter, Proven Strategies for Building Your Next-Gen Leaders. How about you, what are you celebrating now? What are your favorite holiday traditions?

Any rookie salesperson will tell you that the world of sales can be cold and hard. Well, even seasoned professionals will confess the same. Throughout my career, I have been extremely fortunate to have coaches and mentors who invited me to grow and challenged me to be my best. I owe a debt of gratitude to each and every one of them. I also collaborate with many exceptional sales leaders who are doing the same for the up-and-coming leaders in their lives. Here’s a sampling of some of the people who are still inspiring my professional and personal journey.  They share my passion to build, energize, and equip next-gen leaders for the future…

One of the most important (and difficult) decisions a business leader has to make is how to exit his or her business.  Yes, I’m talking about the business that you have built up over many years. The one that is home to your blood, sweat, and maybe even tears. And now the time has come to make that decision….Do you sell, merge, or transition to the next generation?