Leadership Development Insight from Danita

Your source for proven and practical strategies to expand your leadership and get on track to grow your business in times of disruption.

  • Prioritize Leadership Development

  • Expand Leadership Influence

  • Improve How to Manage Millennials

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“Your sales coaching will help the next generation to become assets to your business.” - Danita Bye
  How are you tapping into the brilliance of your up-and-coming Millennial sales leader to boost your sales growth?  Or, are you leaving them feeling unsettled and unsure of their next step up the sales leadership ladder? Starting in the early 2020s, Millennials are going to drive our economy, and they will continue to do so for thirty years. Since that is the case, the Millennial you are coaching and mentoring right now will be a key asset to the continual growth of your business. How might you empower your up-and-coming sales leader as the competitive edge for your business?

“Accountability means having the emotional maturity and internal backbone to take responsibility for your own actions and choices, and not shift blame to external factors.” ~ Danita Bye

Is a lack of accountability the root cause for your lagging sales results? 1966 saw the emergence of the fictional movie trio, starring Clint Eastwood as ‘the Good’, Lee Van Cleef as ‘the Bad’ and Eli Wallach as ‘the Ugly.’ I regularly encounter this destructive trio in the world of Sluggish Sales Results… Low Accountability and his co-stars, Blame Game and Victim Mode can wreak havoc with your best sales strategies. Is your emerging sales leader acting out one of these roles?

Does your Millennial have clarity about his or her role to boost your business and sales growth efforts, or are they confused? In writing Millennials Matter, I interviewed Brandon Schaefer, the CEO of Five Capitals Brandon’s recommendations for business owners to build our next generation of leaders, confirms my research about Millennials.

Andrew, CEO of a engineering company, voiced his concern and frustration about finding the right salespeople, especially millennials that will successfully sell. Six months ago he hired a salesperson who was a star performer in his previous company, a large financial institution. “After giving him enough time to prove himself I’m just not seeing the results,” Andrew sighed. What does your company’s perfect salesperson looks like?

I still savor Jim Collins’ sage advice: “First, put the right people on the bus. Then, get the wrong people off the bus and get the right people into the right seats. Then you can drive the bus anywhere.” To get the growth you’re charting and envision in your strategic growth plan, one of the “right people” needed on your business bus is a competent sales manager and leader. A sales leader who – gets it, wants, it and has the capacity to do it. So, what are the components of “it”?