Leadership Development Insight from Danita

Your source for proven and practical strategies to expand your leadership and get on track to grow your business in times of disruption.

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While on my recent motorcycle trip through Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I took a day off to start reading, The Respect Effect: Using the Science of Neuro leadership to Inspire a More Loyal and Productive Workplace. This grasped my attention: “The best leaders are the ones who motivate employees to want to perform at the highest level possible – which is never accomplished with an iron-fist style of management. The best results are achieved through one of the most basic human behaviors: the showing of respect.” I hold the same viewpoint. In fact, I cover the topic in my upcoming book: Millennial Matters: Proven Strategies for Building Your Next Gen Leader that’s due on bookshelves in Nov. Plus, it affirmed the focus of our recent blog series.