How to Use Paradoxical Wisdom as a Leadership Strategy in the Age of AI


How to Use Paradoxical Wisdom as a Leadership Strategy in the Age of AI

Paradoxical Commandments article: Approved title in the subject line.

As we enter a new year, my leadership development focus is on how to lead with wisdom in the Age of AI and continued Digital Disruption.

The future is brimming with promise… and uncertainty. Yet, in the Age of AI, we find ourselves at a paradoxical crossroads. The same technologies that can drive incredible innovation also carry the potential for profound disruption. What might we do as leaders to lead with wisdom, insight, knowledge, and discernment?

This challenge reminds me of one of my favorite poems – The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith.

This poem has shaped my life and leadership journey in profound ways.

Dr. Keith wrote the poem in 1968 when he was 19. Over the decades, it has inspired millions. The poem appears in speeches, sermons, and countless homes and offices. I created a plaque featuring The Paradoxical Commandments to share with my clients. It still holds a special place in my office today.

I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Keith years ago. I was at a National Speakers Association Conference. We started a conversation during a shuttle ride. There, he shared the story behind his poem. I was immediately struck by how it resonates with leaders in every sphere.

I encourage you to reflect on this powerful message and the opportunities it can unlock. With a positive mindset, a challenge becomes a chance to grow, thrive, and lead with wisdom—even in the age of AI.

The Paradoxical Commandments
by Dr. Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

© Copyright Kent M. Keith 1968, renewed 2001.

Watch a beautiful musical rendition of this poem here.

Leadership Strategies for a Paradoxical World

Why do we need Dr Keith’s paradoxical wisdom for this era?

AI often sparks fear and uncertainty. Are these concerns valid?

During Q4, I shared my thoughts on the Unstoppable Podcast and the Dakota Mornings Talkshow. ( Articles on this will be published shortly.  I was honored to join Chancellor Mark Hagerott in discussing digital disruption, generative AI, and transhumanism while asking critical questions:

  • How do we as leaders stay grounded in foundational principles in this era of exponential change?
  • How do we guide the next generation to lead with integrity, wisdom, and courage in a world reshaped by AI?

These questions will shape much of my work in 2025. I’m focusing on empowering leaders to navigate the complexities of the AI age while staying rooted in time-tested principles.

Balance the Demands of Technology with Wise Leadership Influence

As AI redefines what success looks like, leaders must be resilient. You will have to balance the efficiency of AI with a strong sense of ethics. I’m confident that we can ensure that technology serves humanity rather than exploiting it.

So, it’s time to envision the path forward.

You are called to guide your Next-Gen leader to:

  • Grow a Can-Do Mindset that is founded in a strong character. Then they will be able to navigate this uncharted territory with clarity and courage.
  • Nurture Strong Connection with others that is based on trust. This will empower them to work together for the greater good of everyone.
  • Develop Confidence based on their inner knowledge of who they are and what they are called to do. Then they will be able to stand strong in the face of all challenges.

You can create a culture where they don’t fear disruption.

So, how do we strengthen our leadership strategies in this era?

Leadership Insights from The Gratitude Series

Wise leaders can avoid the pitfalls of technology and lead with purpose and confidence in the age of AI.

Like the Industrial Revolution, AI will mark the next chapter of human innovation. AI is a powerful tool. It’s reshaping industries, societies, and leadership itself. This era requires a willingness to learn, listen, and grow.

Of course, “Leading in the Age of AI” is a heavy topic. Tackling it requires the right mindset. A mindset that is not ruled by fear—but strengthened by gratitude.

Why Gratitude?

Reflecting on the past year, I’ve seen how a focus on gratitude can strengthen both individuals and businesses. A grateful mindset allows us to build stronger connections. We can develop innovative solutions that ensure everyone will thrive in a fast-changing world.

In the Gratitude Series, we acknowledge the disruptions facing every generation of leaders. We see how the focus often shifts to problems instead of solutions.

To counter this, we emphasize three essential mindsets:

  • A Can-Do Mindset: Finding opportunities in challenges.
  • A Connection Mindset: Building stronger relationships for the greater good.
  • A Confidence Mindset: Embracing growth, even in uncertain times.

At the heart of this leadership strategy is Dr. Caroline Leaf’s “Brain Tree” analogy. Leaf is a scientist and author of “Switch on Your Brain.” She explains that our thoughts shape our brains. Scientists call it neuroplasticity. A positive mindset is like a tree sprouting new branches—it grows and adapts. It unlocks potential.

When leaders embrace gratitude, they reframe challenges as opportunities. They rediscover their strengths. Gratitude empowers Next-Gen leaders to see solutions where others see obstacles. With a focus on the positive, they grow new neural pathways and find creative solutions.

A grateful mindset is vital for navigating the Age of AI. It reminds us to stay strong, do good, and speak positive words. Even when faced with daunting challenges.

Make Your Leadership Matter in the Age of AI

I can’t predict with certainty what lies ahead in this new era. But one thing is clear: your leadership matters. Now, more than ever.

May the Paradoxical Commandments inspire you and your Next-Gen leader. Together you can lead wisely in the Age of AI.

Articles where I focus on the Paradoxical Commandments:

Videos where I discuss the Paradoxical Commandments:



Leadership Strategy Lesson: In the age of AI, let a grateful mindset and loads of wisdom guide your leadership strategies.

Leadership Strategy Question: How will you embrace this opportunity to lead with courage and purpose in the Age of AI?

Copyright, Danita Bye (This article is NOT AI-generated) 😊

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