Questions abound about AI's impact on employee roles and leadership strategies in the workplace. Plus, there are concerns about mental and emotional health:
Zig Ziglar is one of my favorite sources of leadership influence. For those who knew him, I'm sure he inspired you also! I still have my original "See You At The Top!" Is this book one of your favorites too?
My first meeting with Zig impacted my entire career, and still resonates with me today. Want to know what happened?
Scott Plum and Bill Hellkamp invited me to discuss sales and leadership development on their Winning at Selling Podcast.
The key ideas we discuss in 3 Ways to Wire Your Brain for Successful Selling (and Leading) are identical to what we're talking about in our current leadership series, The Gratitude Revolution. Have you read the 1st article - The Gratitude Revolution – Transforming Leadership Strategy with a Can-Do Mindset, yet?
In today’s fast-paced culture, many people give in to a Closed-Door Mindset, stifling their leadership development.
Rather than seeking collaborative solutions, they criticize, condemn, and complain. This unproductive response stalls growth, making it almost impossible to find creative solutions.
Dale Carnegie, captured the essence of this toxic cycle when he said:
“When you do the things you need to do when you need to do them, the day will come when you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them.” ~ Zig Ziglar
“Try leaving a trail of little sparks of...