Millennials Matter Tag

One of the most important (and difficult) decisions a business leader has to make is how to exit his or her business.  Yes, I’m talking about the business that you have built up over many years. The one that is home to your blood, sweat, and maybe even tears. And now the time has come to make that decision….Do you sell, merge, or transition to the next generation?

How satisfied are you with the performance of the Millennial sales leaders on your team? The fake news about Millennials is brutal. It paints all of them, yes, all 83 million, as narcissistic, entitled, lazy, self-absorbed, and disloyal….and the list expands on a daily basis. But, is it true? Check out this article: How To Manage Millennials salespeople from failing to make the sales?

Brandon Schaefer, founder and CEO of Five Capitals Coaching and Consulting, and I, co-hosted an introduction to our upcoming webinar series on Millennial leadership on June 15th. Get full details here. Business owners, presidents of startups to non-profits, as well as parents &grandparents all have a common goal. We are looking for insights on how to build a strong leadership culture where Next Gen leaders thrive. They are our future - we recognize that we need to stop complaining about them & start coaching, mentoring and discipling them. If you were unable to join us for this free webinar, here’s a link to  YOUTUBE where you can watch the video. Plus, here’s a summary of some of the areas we outlined.