Leadership Development Insight from Danita

Your source for proven and practical strategies to expand your leadership and get on track to grow your business in times of disruption.

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The Left is on the march across America, and North Dakota is no exception. Today, our freedoms are under attack as they rarely have been in our nation’s history - a history that the Left is bent on distorting and ultimately erasing. It is time for conservatives to fight back. The hour is late, and we need action now. That is why we are excited to announce a new initiative to fire up the conservative movement in the Dakotas and Western Minnesota.

"I either grow revenues, or I’m gone." Darin needs an innovative plan for fixing a sales strategy that works during the disruption he and the sales team were facing.  He calls late on a Friday afternoon… "I need some innovative sales strategy ideas – I’m hoping you can help. We were having a difficult time increasing revenues prior to COVID. Last year made everything even tougher. "I’m the president, and the owners are expecting to see the business grow. And...I haven’t been able to make it happen…for 5 years. Their patience has run out - even with COVID. They’re frustrated. Now, I’m facing an ultimatum! I either grow revenues, or I’m gone.”

We're facilitating a series of exclusive Roundtable Discussions and Strategy Workshops, for Presidents, Business Owners, and CEOs trying to push forward in spite of these difficult times. In these roundtable workshops, we discuss how to apply the proven Sales Growth strategies that we have implemented with hundreds of clients including Experian, Siemens, Lawter Inks, The Flint Group, Skyline Exhibits across a wide range of business sectors over the past 28 years.

Who should attend this workshop?