Leadership Development Insight from Danita

Your source for proven and practical strategies to expand your leadership and get on track to grow your business in times of disruption.

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For the last 7 weeks, we've been quarantining with our oldest daughter, Brittany, her husband, Brady, (both engineers from MN who've been working remotely from North Dakota, since pre-schools were closed) and their 3 pre-school children. So, in addition to all the other initiatives, I've been a full-time gramma.:-) Our youngest granddaughter, Joanna, is fascinated with grown-up shoes. It seems to be a great object-lesson for all of us to SMART SIZE during this time of recovery, doesn't it! Thanks, Hunter, for a timely article. The next 90 days are critical, aren’t they? CEOs, presidents, and business owners know that a sales strategy in these next 90 days are critical for getting the sales team focused and on pace. They're worried about what will happen to the business if they make the wrong decisions about where and how to focus the sales team?