How to Build a Successful Sales Culture that Actually “Recovers” During the Recovery (Video Also)

How to Build a Successful Sales Culture that Actually “Recovers” During the Recovery (Video Also)

In the midst of a Recovery, with unpredictable markets and fear still raging on social media 24/7, what’s one idea that will help your business actually “recover” during the Recovery?

It’s accountability.

Yet, how do you nurture personal responsibility and build a culture of accountability in your Millennial salespeople when blame-gaming is rampant in our culture?

It seems impossible, doesn’t it?

Yet, that’s what we are called to do as business and sales leaders – build a successful culture that will actually “recover.”

All sports have been canceled or postponed for now. Yet, we all know the story of many of our top athletes who have experienced setbacks and failures during their careers. How do they handle these unpredictable events?  And, what can we learn from them, as corporate sales and leadership athletes?

I see two themes emerge as they give a variety of explanations during the post-performance interview. One group blames a whole host of external factors for their poor results.  The other group accepts personal responsibility. They identify what went amiss… then talk about their lessons learned.

With the real threats we face during this crazy time in history, your Millennial salespeople need you more than ever to model and encourage personal responsibility.

It’s an important time to ask yourself, “How might I make a positive difference? What might I do to nurture accountability in my millennial salespeople, even as they are all facing unstable and chaotic conditions?”

Why is it critical to build an Accountability Culture?

Let’s be honest – a lack of accountability is as bad as a virulent virus – it spreads like crazy, sapping the growth potential of your millennial salespeople. The result? Your best-intentioned Recovery Plans stall out.

In contrast, accountable sales leaders and salespeople empower themselves, focus on finding solutions. Instead of believing the “fake news” from those around them and going into victim mode, they become victorious.

To innovate in the face of daunting challenges, take personal responsibility to build your capacity to find creative solutions. Share on X

The current global challenges are an action call for leaders to raise the bar on their accountability acumen. Are you ready to learn how to transform blame into accountability; convert excuses into empowerment; and leverage progress into performance?

What might you do to make a positive difference in the lives of your followers and your family?

In our Sales Growth Webinar Series, my co-host, Hunter Byington, and I tackled this topic. We discussed the sales management roles and responsibilities needed to grow in this Recovery  – strategies to help your corporate sales athlete succeed. Plus, we addressed:

  • Coaching to maximize ROI and value.
  • Motivating to increase engagement and sales performance.

You can also watch my video on this topic below:

Each attendee received a FREE eBook, Millennial Sales Accountability: 3 Steps to Inspiring your Sales Teams to Overcome Challenges. You can get yours at Resources also.

Join Me for a Free Virtual Coffee Meeting
Having challenges keeping your team engaged and focused in a productive direction? I invite you to schedule a free virtual coffee meeting with me. No charge, no obligation. Just a one-on-one for 45 minutes to talk through what challenges are happening, receive personal tips, advice, and next steps on how to solve those challenges. To schedule, email me at

Leadership Lesson: Don’t allow the unpredictability of global turmoil to stall your efforts to build an accountability culture. 

Leadership Question: During these challenging times, what is your strategy to make accountability a core value of your business?

For previous articles in this series, go to:

Learn the Top 5 Strategies to Build a Winning Millennial Sales Team

How to Create a Motivational Culture for Marathon Millennial Salespeople (Video also)

Yes, You CAN Achieve Sales Growth During Market Chaos Through Strategic Coaching (Video also)

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