Leadership Development Insight from Danita

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In the middle of doing research for a new leadership development series, The Sisu Courage Series, we get a pleasant surprise. Our daughter, Danae, is home for a visit. She is currently doing leadership development work with STEMM in Tanzania. Her life is a non-stop adventure in Africa – from working with 51 orphans to feeding zebras! But, there is one story we’re most excited to hear…

As a mom, and a leadership development coach, I’m overjoyed when I hear my daughter’s words: 'Mom, did you know that many of my co-workers in Tanzania call me “Kichwa Moto!” In Swahili, their language it means hot-headed. I refuse to give up!' I smile! One definition of hot-headed is quick-tempered and irresponsible. Knowing Danae, I’m wondering, " Is this what her co-workers are thinking? It doesn't seem to match with what I know of her."

I believe that kindness should be part of our daily leadership influence. I spotted this sculpture on the University of Sioux Falls campus when I gave their commencement talk a number of years ago. This "serving leader" approach is often over-looked in our fast-paced world. Technology has taken the place of many face-to-face interactions. It seems that the opportunities to show kindness have become somewhat of a rarity.