Millennial Sales Leader Tag

My husband, Gordon, and I, love to go on long motorcycle trips.  Right now we are on the road again to witness the gorgeous explosion of red, orange, and yellow on the maple trees of Vermont.  Yes, we are ‘leaf peepers’, as some of the locals call us! I’m the passenger and Gordon is the driver. I’m always worried that it might be too stressful for him to do these long distances. He just laughs and says, ‘This is the good kind of stress!’  But there’s a different kind of “bad” stress that’s affecting the sales performance of our up-and-coming sales leaders. What are you doing to help your Millennial Sales Leaders to beat workplace burnout?

We can foster breakthrough Millennial sales results by cultivating collaboration. Tapping the brilliance of every single sales professional in your company, from the technology-savvy Millennials to the knowledge-rich Baby Boomers, by raising the Collaboration Quotient of team members, is critical. In my recent Forbes article, I challenge business owners and sales leaders to cultivate a collaborative culture by redefining "collaboration" are more than social media activity or a new technology tool. Collaboration is the catalyst that maximizes teamwork. This happens when your Millennial develops a capacity to value their own uniqueness along with the strengths of others on the team. What is your coaching strategy to develop the Collaboration Quotient in your Millennial sales leader?

The inability of your Millennial sales leader and salespeople to deal with rejection effectively undermines your brilliant strategic plans. How much does your up-and-coming sales leader struggle in handling rejection? How often does this become a weak link in his or her sales armor, preventing them from being as courageous as they need to be in stretching and expanding their leadership comfort zone? My recent Forbes article, Two Secrets to Building Resilience in Millennial Leaders to Achieve Sales Results, highlights three action steps you can use to coach and mentor your Millennial sales leader on resiliency and to:
  • take responsibility for their own actions and behaviors;
  • creatively overcoming their latest challenge; and
  • get back into the ring when they fall.
You can read the full Forbes article here. How does your Millennial sales leader react when they get rejected?