Millennial Leaders Tag

“No problem, I’ll just ask Siri!” On October 19, 2017, Daniel Brea uploaded “A Millennial Job Interview” on Vimeo. During the 3 minute tongue-in-cheek portrayal of Millennial stereotypes, you will see how young Amy handles (bungles) her job interview.  Constantly texting, barely making eye contact with the interviewer, she demands flexible work hours. When the interviewer suggests that she might not have the necessary skills for the job, Amy shrugs her shoulders and says, “No problem, I’ll just ask Siri!” When told that she is probably not a fit, she indignantly demands to speak to HR. She wants to lay a complaint even though she hasn’t been hired! How do you feel about the millennial stereotypes we hear and read about every day? Do you see them in your business?

“Accountability means having the emotional maturity and internal backbone to take responsibility for your own actions and choices, and not shift blame to external factors.” ~ Danita Bye

Is a lack of accountability the root cause for your lagging sales results? 1966 saw the emergence of the fictional movie trio, starring Clint Eastwood as ‘the Good’, Lee Van Cleef as ‘the Bad’ and Eli Wallach as ‘the Ugly.’ I regularly encounter this destructive trio in the world of Sluggish Sales Results… Low Accountability and his co-stars, Blame Game and Victim Mode can wreak havoc with your best sales strategies. Is your emerging sales leader acting out one of these roles?


While on my recent motorcycle trip through Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I took a day off to start reading, The Respect Effect: Using the Science of Neuro leadership to Inspire a More Loyal and Productive Workplace. This grasped my attention: “The best leaders are the ones who motivate employees to want to perform at the highest level possible – which is never accomplished with an iron-fist style of management. The best results are achieved through one of the most basic human behaviors: the showing of respect.” I hold the same viewpoint. In fact, I cover the topic in my upcoming book: Millennial Matters: Proven Strategies for Building Your Next Gen Leader that’s due on bookshelves in Nov. Plus, it affirmed the focus of our recent blog series.