Leadership Strategy Tag

During leadership development podcasts on Millennial motivation, we often talk about mental health. According to this article, 34% of workers say their mental health is declining.
In Millennials Matter: Proven Strategies for Building Your Next Gen Leader, I devote 20% of this how-to leadership resource to this topic. I call it -  Practice Proactive Self-Care.  It's a personal initiative that prioritizes internal well-being. When doing this, both character and influence grow. Chapter titles include: 

Being laser-focused on my leadership development series on Courageous Leadership, this article catches my eye.  In Courage over Comfort, the author shares six powerful strategies for developing courage. It goes straight to the heart of the matter – being a courageous leader can be very uncomfortable!  The article deeply resonates with me.  Why? 

Some economic experts claim we live in the Era of Exponential Progress. Likewise, most executive leaders report that their leadership strategy challenges are growing exponentially also.

 They want their vision to be a hope-filled future. Yet, something seems to stand in the way. What is it? Is it Fear?  If yes, then I believe that this Era of Exponential Growth calls for a special brand of courage – Sisu Courage–! But, what is SISU??

Those who follow my leadership development strategies know that I often talk about accountability and personal responsibility. When writing articles, I want to include the concept every single time. When keynoting, it’s always a key point. Some even refer to me as the “Accountability Queen.” 😊 What fuels my commitment to accountability and personal responsibility as a core leadership performance principle?