Leadership Strategy Tag

Some economic experts claim we live in the Era of Exponential Progress. Likewise, most executive leaders report that their leadership strategy challenges are growing exponentially also.

 They want their vision to be a hope-filled future. Yet, something seems to stand in the way. What is it? Is it Fear?  If yes, then I believe that this Era of Exponential Growth calls for a special brand of courage – Sisu Courage–! But, what is SISU??

Andrew, CEO of a engineering company, voiced his concern and frustration about finding the right salespeople, especially millennials that will successfully sell. Six months ago he hired a salesperson who was a star performer in his previous company, a large financial institution. “After giving him enough time to prove himself I’m just not seeing the results,” Andrew sighed. What does your company’s perfect salesperson looks like?

  “Leadership – The Dakota Way invites seasoned leaders of strength, stamina, and character to mentor Millennial entrepreneurs and sales professionals to lead well in the midst of change and uncertainty.”  ~ Danita Bye ​​ ​Seasoned Christian business leaders notice and feel concerned for the changes, shifts, and chaos happening...